
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

On My Hands and Knees

I love to clean. Now, don't click away from me for being a little strange, but cleaning the bathroom is absolutely one of my most favorite cleaning jobs ever. I guess it's because in our house, our bathrooms are always "good and dirty" and I can see the satisfaction of a job well done when I'm done mopping the hair off the bathroom floor! ;)

In my humble and personal opinion, the only way to properly mop is
  1. vacuum entire area with a wet/dry vac to remove as much hair as possible
  2. spray the offending floor area with cleaner
  3. while the cleaner soaks and softens the layers of hairspray (at least in my house), make a scalding hot sink of soapy water
  4. wipe in a back and forth motion with a flat-faced extremely hot washcloth covering the entire sprayed area, ensuring that all hair, dirt particles and other unmentionable bathroom stains are completely removed from the floor
  5. scrub stubborn areas of foot funk with a magic eraser if necessary
  6. move on to the next sprayed area ;)
Works like a charm every time. The bathroom smells wonderful and the floor sparkles. Ahhhh, I love a clean bathroom, especially the floor.

Now, to those of you who are shaking your heads and perhaps even wondering at the state of my mental health, I realize this is a bit extreme and I promise I'm not quite this much of a control freak in other areas of my life... okay, well, maybe a little, but I'm working on it. Anyways.... um, I really had a point to make, now what was it again... Oh! I remember! ;)

Is there a way to compare a bathroom floor to my spiritual heart? Many of you who are shaking your heads with a resounding "NO!", I beg to differ with you because, well... because I'm weird and God talks to me through bathroom floors, toilet paper and the like. ;0)

So, how are the two similar you ask? Well, let's see, there are many comparisons I could make:
  1. a floor wiped clean is like our heart wiped clean by Jesus' blood
  2. scrubbing up stubborn stains is like the removal of old hurts by the healing love of the Father
  3. a back and forth motion to clear every particle of dirt is like Holy Spirit's gentle voice permeating every area of our lives with His peace
Now, as I was typing this, I was wondering what else the Lord was trying to get through to me, cause I didn't feel like it was an all the way finished job and suddenly, there it was... :)

A bathroom needs to be cleaned weekly, sometimes daily, depending on it's use and how much hair is involved. ;0) Why? Well, 'cause there are people using it, so new stains develop, more hair sheds and more foot funk is shared. My heart needs to be wiped, scrubbed and have a good back and forth motion everyday because I deal with people, not the least of whom is ME, MYSELF and I! My heart is an unfinished work incomplete till I get to heaven. I'm not alone and there are other unfinished hearts out there and so the funk is shared one to another and unfortunately, much more so than love... :(

I need my heart to have a gentle scrubbing by the Word, praise and worship and prayer everyday. God has to rule in my heart everyday for someone to see my authentic heart and not the one I pull out when I'm too embarrassed by the stubborn hurt that hasn't been scrubbed because I've allowed bitterness to grind in the stain or by the particles of worry that still remain because I haven't allowed the Holy Spirit's peace to completely cover me.

Everyday, it has to be everyday... thankfully, the Word of God never runs out of cleaner! ;)

"Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day.
You, through Your commandments, make me wiser than my enemies; For they are ever with me." - Psalm 119:97-98

Monday, May 30, 2011

My Brain & The Mosquitos

"Momma, sometimes, when I'm mad at you, I think bad thoughts about you in my head." said my daughter with a quavery voice and a wobbling chin... I'm not sure if she was nervous and slightly tearful because she felt badly about the thoughts or the fact that she thought she was in deep trouble. "Really?" came my calm reply. "What kind of thoughts do you have, honey?" She went on to describe the struggle going on inside her head that included but wasn't limited to -  calling mommy bad names...mmm... ouch.

What day did my little girl grow up and start dealing with a troublesome thought life? Wasn't she still wearin' pull-ups and drinkin' out of sippy cups? As I pulled myself back to this day, this hour, this moment, I looked at her little face in the rear view mirror tuggin' on her lip with her teeth and I smiled a smile to let her know Momma wasn't mad and everything would be fine. "We'll talk about this later, okay?" She smiled and said "Okay."

Thankfully, I had a few minutes on the road in between all the activities of our typical evening to calm my heart and text my husband and a good girlfriend! Helped me act with a little more calm that I didn't completely feel. Later on when the night had settled down and it was just the two of us awake, I sat her next to me on the couch and showed her a Scripture on my laptop (because it's much cooler to read your Bible on a laptop, you see)...
 "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations and and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ." - 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
 I said, "Babe, your mind is kinda like a bug-catching net and your thoughts are like butterflies," - well, actually we changed that part from butterflies to mosquitoes being the bad thoughts and butterflies being the good thoughts because she couldn't bear the thought of butterflies being caught in a net. - So, ahem... 

"Your bad thoughts are like mosquitoes and they buzz round and round your head trying to land. God's word tells us to use our mind like that net and catch the mosquito thoughts. It's important that we refuse to entertain ungodly thoughts." -or squish 'em cause they're mosquitoes of course.

" Sometimes we have to force our minds to think on other things like butterfly-thoughts and turn away the mosquito-thoughts." Next, we went over to this Scripture...
"Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy - meditate on these things." - Philippians 4:8
 "Does that Scripture sound like its talkin' about butterfly thoughts or what?" I asked. She grinned big and gave me a hearty nod. Then, of course, we prayed together and all was right in her world again. ;0)

It's amazing to me how simple it is to point these kinds of things out to my children, but it's so difficult for me to DO what I'm pointing out to my children. Why is it easier to see the answers to someone else's struggle? Anyone else have that pesky issue? I know I need to often do a better job of refusing and turning away the bad thoughts and steering my mind toward the good.

 Here's a raise of my coffee mug to no more mosquito thoughts, but only butterfly thoughts...  can we add some caviar dreams and champagne riches too or is it caviar riches and champagne dreams?...  okay, maybe we can lose the champagne, but an iced vanilla mocha or Diet Dr. Pepper would work okay too. ;0)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Giggles (the second)

This post was originally published on Wednesday, May 25th, but I wanted to share it again for Finer Things Friday. :)

The sound of a little girl’s giggle should be bottled and sold. It cures a world of ailments, not the least of which is a sour mood.
At times I’ve wondered incessantly as to the reason God gave me four girls to raise. There are days they are enough to curl my own hair as I’m trying to curl theirs! Although I’ve wondered about God’s wisdom with this plan for my life occasionally, I’ve also treasured many a moment with these important people in my life.

Recently, the four of them were wrestling in the middle of the living room floor.
GIRLS’ wrestling, you understand, not BOYS’ wrestling -
COMPLETELY different phenomenon.
For those of you who might be unaware of the differences, let me explain. When my girls wrestle, it is more than acceptable to call a time out when someone’s hair has come undone or nail polish has been chipped. It is bad mo jo to unalterably mess up an outfit or scrunch shoes. Blood is rarely seen and if it makes an appearance, 911 should be dialed immediately according to my 9 year old.

Recently, as I sat at the computer listening to the sound of their struggling behind me, my youngest let out the most delightful sound - an unbridled, unintentional full-bellied giggle. Ahhh, like sweet relief of cold water to my thirsty throat, this sound fills me with such contentment and satisfaction; there aren’t words to fully describe it. A girlfriend of mine has lots of boys at her house and she often says that the sound of their shouts during a football game is “music to her ears”. Now, I can’t imagine boys’ shouts having the same effect on me, but I can relate to the feeling she describes when I think of my little girls and their giggles.

I wonder if that’s how God feels when He’s delighted with something we say or do? Could it be that the sound of our laughter is music to His divine ears? I'm so thankful He's given me the gift of my girls' giggles. Now, if I can figure out what to do with the gift of their HAIR! ;0)
"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine." - Proverbs 17:22

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Three B's

“Ahem, attention, attention please.... Is this thing on?... Oh, there’s the switch.... May I have your attention please? All gentlemen are prohibited from participating in this particular reading. This conversation is for moms and daughters only.... Okay, ladies are they are all gone?
Good, now we can begin.” J
The three B’s – that’s what we call it at our house. These three words strike fear in the hearts of my girls because when I utter them or something like them, they know there will be a swift overhaul of their thoughtfully constructed outfit for that particular day. Now, here’s the crass part and why I made all the men leave.
The three B’s stands for Boobs, Belly Buttons and Bootys. See, I told you it was crass; however, I must say that it’s most effective.
As my children have grown and are growing into beautiful young ladies, these are three areas that are off limits outside the confines of our household and sometimes within our household depending upon guests. Shirts must generously cover the first two sections and proper bottoms should cover the final forbidden zone with a lengthy margin for error. ;0)
Now, even though I have wonderful girls who are respectful and law-abiding citizens, I must admit there are particular sighs of exasperation and at rare times, attitudes of ... um... unrepentant hearts, shall we say? However, their father and I hold very firm to this law and it goes without saying in our home that their clothing had better follow the standard or it will be changed either by them or by Daddy or Momma, which let’s face it, they’d much rather it be changed by them because well, Daddy’s a boy and just cannot grasp the desire for all parts of an outfit to either be color-coordinating or have the perfect eclectic look.
The funny part is they also don’t want Momma to change the look because Momma is color blind in one eye and rarely wears more than one color at a time and usually only changes because of a spill or "feeling fat" day. It would seriously jeopardize their standing at school and/or church if they came in wearing two clashing color choices – perish the thought. So, often you will see nothing more than a flying streak of hair and accessories as the return to the bedroom has a Superman-in-the-phone-booth feel to it.

I have often wished I could alter my feelings in the same way. I am a woman who is too often ruled by her feelings. It's a problem that has landed me in more troublesome situations than I care to recall. Ack! I was sitting here wishing I could just change what I feel like I change my clothing and a memory of a Scripture jumped out at me as I was thinking about this.  I was so struck by the simplicity of the answer to my dilemma.

"So in Christ Jesus, you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourself with Christ." - Galatians 3:26-27

"...clothed with Christ..." - I can put on the garment that's worn by my dear Savior. I don't have to choose the wardrobe of fear, anger and worry so often shown by this natural world in which we live, but I can simply choose the clothes of Christ which are defined by peace, gentleness and self confidence. He's my identity, not my feelings. Thankfully, His wardrobe will never clash and I'll never be innapropriately "dressed" no matter the situation because my Savior will simply alter that wardrobe for me by constantly keeping me in a "wash white & wear bright" situation every morning as I spend my time with Him and remove any wardrobe layers I've chosen that aren't pleasing to Him. (Rev. 7:14)

What a wonderful relief to this partly color-blind girl. No blues or greens to tell the difference between! Yahoo! ;0)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bloom Where You're Planted

I do not have a green thumb. I’ve tried many a time to have a house plant, but I’ve killed them all. Occasionally, I would have a kind hearted parent bring me a plant or bush of some kind as a gift when I was a teacher and I’d look at the beautiful garden variety that was given with love and inwardly cringe at its most certain doom. Sigh. My many attempts to have a flower garden in the front of my home have met with the same results. No matter the methods I might try, the end is always the same - yucky brown plants or flowers that have to be pulled up before their time. I have since left the gardening endeavors to my sweet husband.  :) Anyone who drives by our yard can see his efforts are always rewarded with a plush green lawn, beautiful shrubbery and occasionally, the pretty flowering creation of some kind – not too much, you understand as planting small little flowers seems to interfere with his manhood, I’m not sure why.
I consider myself a flowering tree. :) I love the promise of Psalms to be planted and to bear fruit according to the Lord’s will. During my years on this earth, the Lord has seen fit to transplant me to many a location on His good green earth.
 My daddy was a traveling evangelist for quite a few years and was a bit of a nomad at heart and so our family often found ourselves with “new digs” quite often. When my parents divorced, I found myself with two back to back transplants I thought at times would kill off any root of joy I had developed. In my early 20’s, I chose a military man to love forever and spent his last few years of active duty service  with him and as you might imagine, there have been many plantings along that way.
Often I questioned the Lord’s planting and dearly longed to go back to the wonderful flower bed I had been in previously. Thankfully, I’ve also loved many of the beds of other beautiful little trees and plants He’s dropped me into. Whether I’ve decided it was good or bad, respectfully questioned His decision or given it my heartiest “Amen!”, His response to me has always been consistent, “Bloom, baby, bloom.”
 Blooming is different things to different people. To some, it’s the establishment of friendships and relationships that benefit one another and glorify God, a planting that enriches the soil and brings new life. To some, it’s the service of the heart that blesses others in small ways; a small annual flower can make such a difference in the landscape. To yet others, blessing comes with a sure, steady familiarity with those around - a planting that endures for years, developing a root system deep in the soil and returning good to the ground with the strength of its growth. In my own way, I try  ;) to be a blessing wherever I go, helping and serving where there’s a need and I love the way God allows me to occasionally see His hand crafting His landscape and using me as part of His annual color.  
Whether your bloom is grand and can be seen by all, or whether your bloom is a lovely backdrop for the vibrant plants in front, God is pleased when we bear the fruit and fulfill the purpose He’s created us for. So, the next time you see a transplant in your future, just remember - bloom where you’re planted.... and thankfully, God doesn’t require a green thumb for use in His kingdom, Praise His NAME!!

“He shall be like a tree planted by rivers of living water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.”- Psalm 1:3

Monday, May 23, 2011


Have you ever been through something so very uncomfortable that you really and truly wish you could simply remove your stomach and its contents from your body and hang it on a hook somewhere so that it wouldn't bother you quite so badly? Or perhaps insert an IV drip of muscle relaxers into the back of your neck... (do these even come in an IV drip? not really sure, it just sounded good when my neck was hurting)

Seems I have had more than my fair share of those kinds of situations here lately and it has given me much time to reflect on discomfort and if there is anything productive that comes as a result. Hmmm... Let's take a look, shall we?

  1. Growth - Whoever said growth was always easy? That's why there's these things called growing pains. ;)
  2. Appreciation - If I'm spending a certain amount of time uncomfortable, I find I appreciate those times of peace much more so.
  3. Dependence on God - Ah, this is a BIG one! When things are okay, I find myself letting my time in the Word slip. Discomfort reminds me of my constant need for Him
Now, I'll stop there because I have no desire to bog anyone down with my profound thoughts. ;0) However, I'd like to leave you with a challenge... well, I'm leaving myself with a challenge, but I'd love some company... is that okay?

USE discomfort! Don't let it use you! Make it WORK for you! Don't let it work you to death! LEARN from discomfort! Don't let IT learn YOU and make you more miserable!

Can you tell I've always wanted to be a cheerleader? I promise I'd be good at it! :0)

"Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it." - 1 Corinthians 9:24 (NIV)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Am I Really Doing This???

Wow, I cannot believe I'm actually beginning a blog. Hopefully, this will not bomb on me. :) My children are taking turns sitting behind me with questions like, "Momma, what on earth are you doing?" "YOU'RE doing a blog?" (with that incredulous tone of voice my children so often use when they speak to their momma...)

So, here I am, in all my recently-washed-and-drying-very-oddly hair and fresh-from-the-drawer t-shirt glory writing a blog. Hmmm, what should I say? I guess I should start with why. Basically, I need some accountability in my life. Now, I know this might seem a bit strange, but stay with me for a moment. No! Stop! Don't click away yet! Something profound is coming, I can feel it!

Wait for it... wait for it... 

Okay, I give!  This is maybe not profound, but I do have a point to make, is that good enough? ;0) Knowing that I will (hopefully) have someone reading my posts about my daily devotionals, escapades with my children and just life in general will do the following:
  • Help me stay on top of my devotionals instead of them piling up along with a good dose of guilt to top the stacks.
  • Cherish and save the memories of the escapades with my children because they grow up way too fast.
  • Lastly, I hope that this will help me develop an appreciation for life in general instead of allowing life to be mundane.
Wow, did I really say all that to say that I just need help? Yes... I suppose... in an independent sort of way... thoughtful pause  Okay, let's be real, it's a little bit sad, but well, we all have those times, don't we? Someone PLEASE say yes!

Hope you come along for the ride with me, I promise we'll have loads of fun together or at least you can have a good healthy giggle at me and that will be fun!