The father in my life...
I wondered what I could say to honor this man for the special day coming.
As I thought and thought and thought some more, these were the words I wrote. As you read, I'm sure you'll know who I'm talking about... :0)
I know there are times he does not like what I'm cooking for dinner, but
because of him -
I never worry about our girls going hungry.
I know there are times he doesn't care for how I've decorated the house, but
because of him -
I never worry about a lack of shelter for our family.
I know there are times he's frustrated with this woman he calls his wife ;), but
because of him -
I never fear an angry outburst of violence.
I know there are times he dreads this hot house of feminine emotion that awaits him, but
because of him -
I never worry about him not coming home
I know there are times he's tired of looking ahead and wants to quit planning, but
because of him -
I never fear our future.
I know there are times he's discouraged with one thing or another, but
because of him -
I never worry about him giving up.
I know there are times he wishes he didn't have to relate or communicate, but
because of him -
I never worry about a man who refuses to grow
This man who I can say "because of him" would tell you very quickly he is only who he is because of Him who sits in the highest seat of honor in his heart - Jesus Christ, his Lord and Savior.
I don't know what I did to deserve this wonderful man I call my husband, but he's the father in my life I want to honor for Father's Day. He's an amazing husband and father and I'm so very thankful the Lord gave him to me. I will love you forever, Arthur William Fitchie III!
I hope you can put up with me that long! ;0)------