There are several reasons:
- Prints and patterns make me dizzy.
- Necklaces make me itch
- Bracelets make me jingle... why?
- Layering clothing makes me sweat.
- Nail polish makes me gag.
- Finding appropriate shoes makes me cry.
I guess I'm just not too good at being a girly-girl. For the most part, I am very clean and neat, fresh and ironed. However, my wardrobe and it's accessories isn't something you'd call exciting.
For your information, I am partially color blind, hmph! So, I often stick with very safe choices, black and neutral mixed with solid colors. If it is an outfit that looks like it's been "put together", you can bet I saw it on the dressing mannequin first! So, jewelry is often something I stay away from particularly because you have the whole "matching" process to go through, which is very fun for some, but often feels like cruel and unusual punishment to me! Yuck!
I recently went shopping for some new jewelry with a good friend of mine. I truly did want to find some new things, in particular - a necklace to go with a new dress. So, we went to a large chain jewelry store and I literally kept us in the store for nearly an hour. I sifted through the wall of choices of fashionable necklaces with matching earrings, not finding anything for the first 25 minutes or so. Then, I spent the next 25 minutes turning my nose up at nearly every suggestion my poor sweet friend made. My two youngest were with us and they gave up at the 25 minute mark and simply sat down in the middle of the floor of whatever area we ventured. Sigh. I finally found ONE pair of earrings I liked and with a little coaxing, I managed to find a necklace similar to what I was looking for and a pair of earrings to match that as well. We made it out of the store before there was any weeping and/or gnashing of teeth. :)
The next day, I started to try on the set I'd bought and became frustrated rather quickly because it didn't look how I wanted it to look. Once again, my sweet friend came to assist me and showed me a couple of different ideas to make the selection work and once again, I turned my nose up at it because it didn't look right.
My friend, who I really think was fighting the impulse to strangle me WITH said necklace finally looked at me and said, "Nell, it looks fine, you are being ultra-picky." I sighed into the mirror and said, "Yeah, I am."
Ultra-picky ... Yup, that's me. If my clothing and / or jewelry selection doesn't look perfect to me, I won't wear it. Now, mind you, I don't care much that everyone else thinks it looks fine, I still won't wear it. Sigh. I really think that's the crux of the entire matter of wardrobe and accessories for me. I'm a perfectionist and I simply don't have the natural ability to make my choices easily and quickly and so I don't do it any more than necessary. Hmmm, is that lazy?..... Wait! Don't answer that!
Now, what in the world does this have to do with my spiritual heart? I ask that pretty often, don't I? Is it annoying?..... Wait! Don't answer that one either!
Okay, back to the point! Am I ultra-picky about how my heart looks to me? Now, it might look just fine to everyone else, but do I take the time to take a good lengthy look in the mirror and check to see if it looks right? Probably not often enough. :o( I realized I take the opinion of friends and family members about the condition of my heart WAY too often. The bottom line is that only me and my Father God truly know what's in my heart. I cannot base my heart's condition on the opinion of another, I must line up my thinking, attitudes and actions with what God's Word says about me and how I'm to live my life. He wants ultra-picky! It's pleasing to Him. Who'd'a thunk it! ;o)
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the reviewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." - Romans 12:1-2