
Friday, May 27, 2011

Giggles (the second)

This post was originally published on Wednesday, May 25th, but I wanted to share it again for Finer Things Friday. :)

The sound of a little girl’s giggle should be bottled and sold. It cures a world of ailments, not the least of which is a sour mood.
At times I’ve wondered incessantly as to the reason God gave me four girls to raise. There are days they are enough to curl my own hair as I’m trying to curl theirs! Although I’ve wondered about God’s wisdom with this plan for my life occasionally, I’ve also treasured many a moment with these important people in my life.

Recently, the four of them were wrestling in the middle of the living room floor.
GIRLS’ wrestling, you understand, not BOYS’ wrestling -
COMPLETELY different phenomenon.
For those of you who might be unaware of the differences, let me explain. When my girls wrestle, it is more than acceptable to call a time out when someone’s hair has come undone or nail polish has been chipped. It is bad mo jo to unalterably mess up an outfit or scrunch shoes. Blood is rarely seen and if it makes an appearance, 911 should be dialed immediately according to my 9 year old.

Recently, as I sat at the computer listening to the sound of their struggling behind me, my youngest let out the most delightful sound - an unbridled, unintentional full-bellied giggle. Ahhh, like sweet relief of cold water to my thirsty throat, this sound fills me with such contentment and satisfaction; there aren’t words to fully describe it. A girlfriend of mine has lots of boys at her house and she often says that the sound of their shouts during a football game is “music to her ears”. Now, I can’t imagine boys’ shouts having the same effect on me, but I can relate to the feeling she describes when I think of my little girls and their giggles.

I wonder if that’s how God feels when He’s delighted with something we say or do? Could it be that the sound of our laughter is music to His divine ears? I'm so thankful He's given me the gift of my girls' giggles. Now, if I can figure out what to do with the gift of their HAIR! ;0)
"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine." - Proverbs 17:22

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