
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Failure to Communicate

Communication. The ability to communicate clearly and effectively is one of the cornerstones to being a civilized person. That was pretty profound, yes? Well, here's another in my confession series for you... :o)

I'm not a civilized person. Yes, that's right, you read correctly. I cannot always communicate clearly and effectively. Clearly means the other person 'gets the message' right? Effectively means something (hopefully positive) results from the communication, right? Growth? Change? Yipe! I'm in deep trouble here, people. You know what I take comfort in? Jesus wasn't a civilized person either! Yippee! :o) For those of you who think I've just lost my mind, let me explain. :0)

A few days ago while on the phone with a good friend, I was bemoaning the fact of failing, communicatively-speaking, in a certain relationship. I was very frustrated with myself of not being able to communicate a message to this other person in a way that they could 'get' it and I was truly ready to throw up my hands in defeat and never try again. It seemed every way, method, technique, approach or scheme I used had one of three responses -
  1. Angry tears of injustice
  2. Resentful and sullen backlashes
  3. Inconsiderate disregard of attempt at communication
Anyone ever had any of those experiences? Sheesh! Makes me want to go live in the woods!  As I was going on and on about how I should be able to communicate!!!, my friend stopped me and said, "Nell, even Jesus didn't always communicate so that message sent was message received." Um, huh? She brought up the account of the rich young ruler and how he actually walked away from THE MESSIAH because he couldn't bear to give up his things. Message sent was not message received for this young man. She mused aloud about what impact my attempts at communication might have in a few years for this person. Would they think back to the many talks, conversations and dialogues and have an 'ah-ha!' moment?

I had to stop and repent a little that day... :'( Who do I think I am? I am a perfectionist and I want to see perfect results immediately and I don't often want to wait for the Lord's perfect timing. I want my attempts at communication to have instantaneous, positive responses and results, shouldn't that be the outcome in a situation where I'm led by the Spirit?  Unfortunately, I look in my Bible and I find passage after passage after passage all through Isaiah, Jeremiah and Lamentations (to only name three) showing God's unsuccessful attempts to get it through Israel's head that the path of worshiping other gods was going to lead to destruction. Even though He knew they weren't going to listen, God clearly stated to Ezekial the following... 
"Your job is to speak to them. Whether they listen is not your concern." 
 - Ezekial 2:7

Here's the deal. The message won't always be communicated so that the receiver 'gets' it. It's just part of our sinful human nature to reject something that isn't easy. Here's what I need to remember... that doesn't mean the message isn't worth communicating...

What would've happened if God had thrown up His hands at the end of the Old Testament and decided to not communicate in yet another way His great love for us through Jesus, His Son? Where on earth would I be? So, I guess if He can be patient for hundreds of years and still try, I guess I can make the effort, too, hmm?
But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” - Matthew 19:26

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


May I just be real here people? Of course I can, it was rhetorical, darlin'. ;o)

I just plain forgot to post yesterday! Oopsie! Like my momma used to say, that was plumb dumb! I have to be real and ask for forgiveness because the honest truth is that school started in my neck of the woods last week and well.... that first week just wupped my hiny!

So, I hope you can all find it in your hearts to forgive me and still tune in first thing tomorrow morning when I promise to be back on track!! :o)

See you then!

Friday, August 26, 2011

A Fresh Perspective...

A fresh perspective... I often ask the Lord for this when things become a drudgery in life and I begin to feel as though my life is having no impact for the kingdom of God. A fresh perspective... don't ask for it unless you really want it... :o)  Let me give you an example of a perspective I really didn't need to know...

I used to be an after school caregiver when I was in my late teens and early 20's. The hours were perfect for my schedule as I was a full time student and I enjoyed working with kids very much, still do. :)

It was one of my responsibilities to "show the ropes" to new employees and help to familiarize them with the after school program. Now, mostly, I had to orientate females, so one day, when a young man showed up at my desk, I felt myself rather unnerved as I often did around the opposite sex in those days. I managed to pull myself together and even sound more than a bit normal as I walked him around... I think.  ;o) We found ourselves in the younger school age classroom and spent some time with the kiddos coloring their latest artistic masterpiece, all the while, I was chattering about this policy and that paperwork, etc. I looked up to find one of the young boys studying me and the young man and I smiled.

The little boy took that as his cue and said, "Ms. Nell, are you and Mr. "So'nSo" gonna get married?" Tension filled pause..... Clearing of throat....
"Um, well, no sweetie, probably not, I just met him five minutes ago." I said with a smile on my lips, still managing to sound normal... I think.  The little boy nodded and went back to his art while the young man and I exchanged an awkward glance and nervous laugh. All was well until the little boy lifted his head again with a thoughtful expression.
He said, "I really think you should. You know why?" Sigh.
I said, "No, sweetie, why?"
"Well, it's only natural..." came his reply, "YOU HAVE MATCHING MOUSTACHES!"

I'll give everyone a moment to stop laughing, sucking in your breath or whatever other shock and / or hilarity response you might be having.... All done now? Okay, let's move on. :o)

My  response was to grab the little boy and give him the "noogie patrol" and then tickle him until he begged for relief. I looked up to see the young man had completely covered his face with his coloring page and all I could see was a bit of bright red and bulging veins near the papers' edge. Sigh. As I'm sure you've guessed, he never asked me on a date!  Can you blame him? ;o)

Ahhhh, the fresh perspective a child can offer. It's wonderful isn't it? At the time, I thought it was about as wonderful as being dunked in a vat of battery acid! However, as the humiliation of that moment has waned over the years, I have found much joy in the perspective of a child and the sheer delight it has often brought me. God gave us our children to bring delight and joy to our lives. God gave us our children to give us a glimpse of the perspective of a wonderful place.... heaven.   Oh! And I'm currently petitioning God to outlaw all facial hair once I get there. :D
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” -  Matthew 19:14

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Simple... Yet Profound

Jesus, Jesus, Lord to me.
Master, Savior, Prince of Peace.
Ruler of my heart today.
Jesus, Lord to me.

This is the simplest of choruses, yet the most profound of messages. I find myself singing this song all the time. With all the changes in our world today, the message of this song remains a very constant truth. He's always Lord. He never changes. He never fails.

Can I confess again? :D I'm in the midst of the most intimidating season of my life I've ever faced. Now, I don't feel its the Lord's purpose for me to give details, but I have got to say I'm nervous and freaked out about where the Lord has me right now. I have never felt more under qualified and incompetent as I have in recent weeks. How's that for true confessions? ;o)

But can I say one more thing? Of course I can, darlin', it was rhetorical. ;o) God is good. In the midst of changing times, places and seasons, God remains good. Even when His plans include some bumps and bruises, God is good. Even when I'm afraid and I feel so hopelessly unprepared for what's ahead, God is good.

I serve a God who has called me for His intents and purposes and will qualify me to fulfill that calling in His timing and as He sees fit. He's my Lord, my Savior, my Prince of Peace. He's got this! I just gotta trust Him.... Oh! And I gotta remember to sing! :D

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified. What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?" - Romans 8:28-31

Monday, August 22, 2011

Confessions of a Puzzle Maker

Here's another in my confession series for you... ;o) I am not a very fun individual. Sigh, yes, I promise, I'm telling you the truth.

I do not "play" very well. I do not like board games. I do not enjoy movies. I am not a fan of outdoor events. I detest amusement parks of any kind. I do not enjoy activities that do not involve work of some kind. Is this a bit odd? Yes, it probably is, but well, what can I say? Odd is often my middle name. ;o)
 All of these things have caused grief for me as most normal folk enjoy at least one of the above activities and well, I just don't. I'm sorry. :o( I try to not be a downer for others who enjoy these events and mostly have just opted out over the years here and there when they came up.

However, once I became a mother, "opting out" was no longer an option. My girls expect their mother to take notice and take part in their activities and I've had to "get over it" when something would come up that wasn't my most favorite part of life. An example you say? Of course! ;o)

Doing a puzzle. I cannot stand to work a puzzle. Nothing frustrates me more than having one stinkin' area of a puzzle incomplete and I cannot find the piece I need. I don't want to go on to another area, I want to fix the one I'm in!!! Hmph. If I can't fix it, I desperately want to walk away and be finished. As you might imagine though, that wouldn't go over too well with my children. ;o) Now, as I'm sure you've guessed, the Lord used my puzzle-making to talk to me. ;o)

I cannot stand for one area of my life to be 'incomplete' if you will. I want all the pieces to come together and make sense, immediately. I don't want to move on to another area. I want to fix the one I'm in! Here's an interesting thought though.... what if the area I move on to provides a new point of reference for the area I'm struggling in?

If I'm struggling in an area and no answers (or puzzle pieces ;o)) will come, what if I simply focus on something completely different? If I'm struggling in my relationship with someone and I don't have a clue which way to act because I'm terrified of doing the wrong thing...mmm... ouch, how about I simply shift my attention to praying for that person instead of constantly trying to relate to them? Now, am I saying ignore the problem? Yup, I am! Muwahahahaha! Are you confused now? Cool beans, misery loves company! Okay, seriously.... ahem...

Here's the deal, ignoring the problem, not the person for a bit might be the best medicine for the situation. Sometimes our constant focus on a relationship and it's issues is truly what the problem is.

  • Maybe the other person just wants to be left alone for a little while and have their space.
  • Maybe if I try to just be kind when they are around and not make every encounter into a counseling session...
  • Maybe if I try to just have fun with them by putting together a puzzle.... ;o)
  • Maybe if I just relax
Maybe, just maybe, the answers will come out of the other area I'm focusing on?
  • Maybe a new light bulb will go off in my head about why I struggle so much in this relationship?
  • Maybe I'll realize some sin I need to get straight between me and God.
  • Maybe I'll understand the problems are on the inside of me and have nothing to do with this other person...mmm...ouch
Possible? Puzzle-making to solve a relationship issue? Who knew? ;o) Sometimes, we just need a little fun. ;o)

"Regarding life together and getting along with each other, you don't need me to tell you what to do. You're God-taught in these matters. Just love one another!"  
- 1 Thessalonians 4:9a

Oh! And here's a pic to prove I did do the whole puzzle! AND I did more than one! ;o)

Friday, August 19, 2011

A Routine, If You Please

Routine. Webster's Dictionary defines this word as "habitual or mechanical performance of an established procedure." Want to hear Nell's definition of the word Of course you do, it was rhetorical, darlin'. ;o) Routine, ahem, "a salvation of Nell's sanity in which the order and organization of her life is kept in line by doing familiar things at familiar times in familiar ways."  Isn't that good?! I thought of it all by myself! :o)-

I love routines. I love lists. I love calendars. (the written kind, I haven't quite figured out my phone's yet ;o) I love all of these things that help my oh-so-forgetful mind to remember dates, appointments, important events... and the list goes on. I have a large notebook-style calendar. It is my closest and dearest companion. It has TWO columns for each day! I write appointments and activities on one column and make a 'to-do list' on the other column. It's great! :o)

However, this summer, the Lord asked me to put away those friends of mine for a season. Let me give you some background... I felt very convicted by the Holy Spirit a couple of years ago concerning my children and my role as their mother. I was teaching them and loving them, but I had left out an important part of that equation - I wasn't enjoying them. I've always said I want my children to be a joy. I don't want them to be a burden or a challenge, but rather a joy. One day the Lord asked me a question... "How will they know when they are a joy if no one ever enjoys them?" Now, that might seem right up there with "woodchucks chuckin' wood" to some, but it made perfect sense to me and my weirdness. :D

To make a lengthy tale short, I made a few changes to our summer.  We threw the routines out the window - in a manner of speaking.  We still bathed and ate and took care of essentials, but for the most part, we were just flyin' by the seat of our pants doing whatever we wanted to do everyday. I know this seems like bliss to some folks, but I gotta tell you -  it is beginning to make me nuts!!!

Now, don't misunderstand me, I have grown this summer. It has stretched me to watch movies, go shopping and swim with my girls instead of cleaning my bathrooms and running errands. I have absolutely increased my penchant for doing things my children enjoy doing. Granted, not by much, I still detest most of the fun activities that other normal homo sapiens seem to get a kick out of, but well... baby steps, right? ;o)

However, with all of this wonderful, exquisite, incredibly annoying growth almost over with, I find myself wanting to sing Handel's chorus of "Hallelujah!" over and over again! Thank the Lord summer is only three months long! However, I also felt a bit of a challenge issued to me... Oh, blech. Can I keep from complicating my life unnecessarily in the midst of all my routines? Can I refrain from complicating other's (my family's) lives with all my schedules, appointments and the like? Mmmm, ouch. We're gonna have to see, but here is the goal. Live life with a schedule and a routine to accomplish the days' tasks, but don't allow the routine and the schedule to become 'god' for the day. Leave that to Someone who is sooooo much better at organization. ;o) Time is in His hands, not mine...

Oh! And He's not green either! Purple would be a much better color choice, don't you think? ;o)-

"I do want to point out, friends, that time is of the essence. There is no time to waste, so don't complicate your lives unnecessarily. Keep it simple —in marriage, grief, joy, whatever. Even in ordinary things—your daily routines of shopping, and so on. Deal as sparingly as possible with the things the world thrusts on you. This world as you see it is on its way out." - 1 Corinthians 7:29

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


In the midst of a very busy season for me and my family, I had to stop and think and thank the Lord this morning. We are in the hustle and bustle of back-to-school, school supplies, back packs, lunch boxes, etc. etc. etc. :o) It becomes very hectic around the house and Momma can begin to have a bit of a "drill sergeant" attitude when it comes to getting everything done and such.

However, the Lord is so good and so wise and His timing is so perfect. My first day at work was moved back one day and I got one more lazy morning with my girls. We had so much fun! We colored and cut and cleaned and tidied. To top it off, My hubby had to work late last night and I have a girlfriend whose hubby is deployed (Military TDY) right now and our girls are very similar ages, so I said, "Hey, why don't you guys come and have supper and hang out with us?" So they did. :D

It was a wonderful evening with little girls' squeals of delight, Mommas' giggles over private talks in the kitchen and good food. Ahhhh, the Lord knows what we need just when we need it, doesn't He? He's so good!

My evening with my friend refreshed me, rejuvenated me and encouraged me in many things, not the least of which was my relationship with the Lord! After hugs were distributed and tears were shed at the disappointment of not having a sleepover, ;o) our friends left. My hubby who had just walked in the door, made the comment that it was cool for me to try to bless our friend while her husband is gone. I stopped and said, "You know what, babe, it was just as much of a blessing to me as it was to her."

It made me think.... isn't that what being a blessing is all about? In the midst of blessing others, the Lord blesses me in return. It fills up my tank to bless my friends and see them encouraged and lifted up and the Lord knows it! It's how He made me. Isn't He good?

"Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you."
2 Corinthians 13:11
The best part? We caught a gecko! ;o) No, really! We did! Here's a picture to prove it!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Morning

I love the morning. Most of my good friends think I'm just slightly insane because of how early I enjoy the morning., but I can't help it! I love it! :o) I must be honest...I look forward to the early morning because of the quiet. Quiet doesn't happen very often in my house and there are different types of quiet... :o)
Afternoon quiet in my house often means my children are out having fun, which always gives me cause to worry a little here and there, mostly about coats in the cold, water bottles in the heat and respecting of elders.
Evening quiet often means my children are bathed, fed and recently tucked into bed which usually finds me sitting on the couch, glassy eyed and fielding requests for water or bandaids for imaginary owies. 
Late night quiet in my house often means my husband is away working hard and I'm waiting trying to stay awake! :o)

Early morning quiet... ahhhh.... early morning quiet means my family is in a wonderful place - asleep and content. I am a very productive person first thing in the morning with those precious moments of quiet. I get so much accomplished and I'm much more focused than in the other quiet times of the day. The laundry is done in a snap! The house is clean in the twinkling of an eye! Plus, I get to write in my journal and have some time on the computer with my coffee cup all by myself! It's great!!! :o)

My early mornings are jealously guarded, but also for reasons other than productivity. ;o)

 I must remember to look toward the early morning quiet because of a certain Person I meet early in the morning. I must wait for Him to start my day. Even though crossing items off my 'to do' list is tugging at my sleeve, I must put those things aside and make time to surrender my heart to my Lord. I must have my meeting with Him. If I don't.... well, let's just say productive is not the adjective you would use to describe me! ;o)  

Now, if you're reading this late at night, don't misunderstand me... the day isn't over yet... ;o)  Have you had your meeting today?
I wait for the LORD, my whole being waits,
and in his word I put my hope.
I wait for the Lord
more than watchmen wait for the morning,
more than watchmen wait for the morning.
Psalm 130:5-6

Friday, August 12, 2011

My Little Siestas

"Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee."
- Psalm 119:11

This is one of my favorite Scriptures. I memorized it when I was about 9 years old and it's stayed with me. I love the promise of this Scripture.

Throughout most of my schooling, I attended Christian schools. I'm thankful for the education I received from a God-centered perspective. Of course, since there were human beings involved, ;o) there are good and bad points about all of the schools I attended. Now, when I was a student, one of the bad points, or so I thought, was the amount of Scripture I was required to memorize, especially 'cause my dad was the Bible teacher and a stickler about the King James version being the only way to memorize complete with proper emphasis, moderate understanding and correct punctuation! "No excuses!" , he would say. "Excuses are nothing more than lies covered with the thin skin of a reason." I have nightmares about those lectures! Oish. :o)

Now that I'm a bit older and wiser... ;o)- I've been very thankful on more than a few occasions for the amount of Scripture I was required to learn. God's Word hidden away in my heart has been something I've drawn from in the midst of battles and celebrations alike. So, I started a tradition this year with my two youngest girls. It's called the Siesta Scripture Memory Team.

Abbi's notebook!

If you're unfamiliar with the Ladies' Bible Study world, there's a certain gal by the name of Beth Moore who's become a pretty popular writer and teacher of Ladies' Bible Studies and she just so happens to have a blog community she affectionately refers to as 'Siestaville'. She challenged her group of readers and whoever else would like to join to memorize two Scriptures a month for one full year. That's 24 Scriptures if you were wondering. ;o)

Initially, I invited Abbi (my 9 year old) to do it with me, kind of a 'momma and me' activity. Well......... ahem...... when Chloe (my 7 year old) found out what we were up to, she let me know (in a hurry) she was not happy that she hadn't been included! So, I relented and we used the first verse as a trial run for her. If I can just brag on her for a moment... ;o) she can whip out 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 with the best of 'em!

The three of us have had a great time memorizing these verses and holding each other accountable to the correct recollection of said verses (particularly when Momma makes a mistake ;o). In the interests of all things being honest and truthful... I must admit, we are in a teensy bit of a rut the last couple of weeks due to the 'end of summer' slump. ;o) However, with school just around the corner, we are getting back on track and will finish strong with all our 24 verses! 

The kicker? Beth Moore is hosting a conference in January 2012 for all the folks who make it the whole year through memorizing at least 22 verses! Yippee! The girls and I are so excited and already planning our getaway! What could be more fun? ;o)

Learning to memorize God's Word is something I know my girls will draw from for the rest of their lives and I'm blessed to have a part in their experiencing the fullness of the riches of God's Word, definitely a 'perk' in the job of motherhood. ;o) He's so faithful and someday, they'll know it like I do... :o)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Reuben Sandwich

Had something the other day I've never had in my life... a Reuben sandwich...well, I guess what I had is actually called a Rachel cause I didn't know any better and I used pastrami instead of corned beef, but anyway! I LOVED it! Have you ever had one? No? Okay, I'll tell you about it! ;o) 

It's basically a sandwich made of two slices of rye bread with corned beef (or pastrami ;o), Swiss cheese, sauerkraut, and Thousand Island dressing. If it's my house, we fry up the meat and sauerkraut separately on my griddle, melt the cheese on top and then make a panini out of the whole thing in the grill pan. Add potato chips, a pickle spear and you're ready to go for a yummy taste sensation! We all so enjoyed those sammies!

Now, having said all that, may I be truthful? I don't care for the parts of a Reuben sandwich and my family has helped me paint pictures with their facial expressions as to my feelings about the parts of the Reuben sandwich... I'm sure you'll enjoy... ;o)

Rye bread isn't the most wonderful thing I have ever put inside my mouth. It's got a bit of whang to it, in my opinion.
Jordan agrees!

Pastrami is a little too peppery of a sandwich meat for my liking.

Chloe doesn't do anything spicy!

Sauerkraut standing alone makes me want to throw up in my mouth a little...
My hubby understands my revulsion...

and Swiss cheese, well... let's just say the memory of how my feet smelled when I was 12 pops into my mind anytime I open a fresh pack. Seriously, you don't want to know... ;o/

Abbi does NOT want to think about how bad
my feet must've smelled!
Thousand Island dressing is the only part of the sandwich I would ever desire on purpose! So, I was more than a little skeptical when my hubby posed this idea because I pretty much knew how I felt about all the above things and how on earth could these things be good all smashed together? However, he assured me I should give it a try and in the interests of being a good example for my girls about dinnertime behavior, I graciously consented. In my humble opinion... ;o) All the parts to this particular sandwich are gross! However, when you put all the parts together, the whole is fabulous!

I don't know why, but all these pictures of my family's silly faces made me think of the mouth. The mouth is a very dangerous part of the body, isn't it? Guess that's why the Bible declares it an unruly evil! I have a responsibility as a Christian to "speak the truth in love" to those around me and well, this does often require the use of my tongue.

Now, like this deli sandwich I've described, unfortunately the parts to my "speaking the truth in love" are sometimes gross all by themselves, particularly my choice of words, sigh. :o/ My words have been known to fly out of my mouth and burn those closest to me when remarks are caustic and believe me, when you are a witness to it, you'll find it gross! Not to mention the poor souls who are the recipients! Sheesh.

Timing and attitude... ahhh, my Thousand Island dressing...  I know these are considered "non-verbals", but they play a very crucial role in my tongue's life. Sometimes if I can't find the perfect words, if my attitude is heart-felt and my timing is chosen carefully, then the words seem to have an easier time being swallowed by whomever is doing the swallowing. If a heart change happens because of something I say with proper, although maybe not perfect words, humble attitude and well-chosen timing, then the whole of the situation is God-pleasing and isn't that fabulous? ;o)

"Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ." - Ephesians 4:15

Monday, August 8, 2011

Procrastinator Extraordinaire

Another confession for you... I am a procrastinator, sigh. I, far too often, put off today what I can do tomorrow. Here are my top three..... ;o)

I don't care for the fruit and veggie look. ;o)
I have a kitchen tile back splash that has been waiting for sanding and painting all summer long and I keep putting it off.

Please don't look at my dust! ;o)
I have a German shronk (that's a wall unit) with many cabinets and cupboards on it in need of organizing.

 I even straightened these shelves a bit
 before the shutter clicked cause
I was too embarrassed to take the pic!
Yet still, I have laundry room shelves in need of a good "going through" to get rid of things I'm never going to use and I haven't yet succeeded.

Now, at the risk of sounding totally insecure, let me just assure everyone I have no need of an organization specialist like the ones you see on the hoarding shows (very disturbing pieces of journalistic television by the way) but I do often stand and look at these areas and think, "Okay, I need to get going on this.... Nah, I'll start tomorrow, not enough time today."

What is it about me that causes me to procrastinate? Hmmm, think I already know the answer to that one! It's cause I'm a perfectionist! I'm extremely particular about how I clean and I often feel I don't have enough time to do a job properly and so with these kind of jobs that are 'hidden', if you will, I just put them off until that perfect time. The problem with that logic? The perfect time never comes, does it?! Usually, I finally make myself bite the bullet and just get busy!

I'm an emotional procrastinator too, oish. ;o(- As a matter of fact, I can remember a time a few years ago a struggle of being honest with someone close to me about a sensitive matter. I put it off and put it off and put it off! I finally had to tell myself to get an emotional grip on reality and just do it! I said what needed to be said and did what needed to be done, but because of the length of time I had waited, it made things very unpleasant and I lost a friend in the process. Anyone relate? ;o)

Now, I would love to tell you I have this one licked, but unfortunately, that'd be a fib. I'm still working on this area and striving toward excellence in a place that is very uncomfortable for me. You know what I love about my Heavenly Father, though? He is pleased with me and my efforts. He knows what's in my heart. He is still thrilled that I'm His child, even though I'm not a finished work - I'm so thankful my procrastination cannot ever change that. Isn't He good?

"...he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
- Philippians 1:6

Friday, August 5, 2011

The Doctor's Visit

My youngest daughter had an interesting first two years of life. Lots of doc appointments, a couple of surgeries and too many ER visits in my humble opinion. Like most moms, I pretty much had her medical history, complete with dates and diagnoses, memorized. I also had memorized what medicines she was taking, what she was allergic to, which antibiotic gave us a hard time, etc. This effort made the appointments, scheduled or not, flow much smoother, believe me! ;o) If you don't believe me, here's a pic of her with her lovely broken arm at 14 MONTHS OF AGE! The youngest orthopaedic patient in Bellevue, Nebraska ever! I was so proud... ;o/

One day, she had to go to see the doc, again. This particular time, I had another visit already scheduled for one of my other kiddos, so the responsibility fell to my husband. He was extremely nervous about taking her alone as he wasn't the one who had it all memorized, so I gave him a pep talk about the above info and at his insistence wrote several things down as to what he should ask the doctor, what she wasn't able to take, what the doctor should know, etc. I was very emphatic that she not be given a particular antibiotic because of a previous bad experience. I sent a happy little girl and a very nervous daddy out the door. The story that followed is one I'll never forget... :)

The doctor came in, checked my little one out, pronounced the diagnosis I had told my husband would more than likely be pronounced and proceeded to move on to treatment. As the doc was going over the instructions for the medication, my husband stopped her and said, "My daughter can't take that antibiotic." The doc, of course, began to question the reasons why, was she allergic, etc. My husband, growing very frustrated because he wasn't really all that sure as to why she couldn't have the antibiotic (cause I neglected to tell him) finally looked up at the doc and said, "I don't know, 'cause my wife said so!" Before the doc had a chance to speak, my husband said emphatically, "I have a NOTE!"  Well, the room was filled with women as the doctor was female and she was training two nursing students who were ladies as well, so as you might imagine, they all found a tremendous amount of humor in my husband's frantic reply. My hubby did say they had the good decency to cover their giggles with their clipboards. ;o)Thankfully, the doctor was particularly understanding about a daddy trying to take over for a momma for one day and read over the note with my hubby and they managed to find a medicine that would work for our little girl. Thank the Lord for understanding doctors! :o)

Have you ever wanted to holler those words when taking a stand for righteousness? I can remember many a time when I didn't do something just because I knew it wouldn't be a good thing. During those times, the appropriate Scripture to back up my decision complete with chapter and verse hasn't always come to the forefront of my mind.  I have fought back the feeling of frustration my husband had that day in the doctor's office, "I have a NOTE! I don't know why I'm not supposed to do this, but I just know I'm not supposed to!"  

The Holy Spirit is my note-taker. :o) He's so good at it. Even during the times when I cannot remember Scripture word for word, He nudges me and checks me. He keeps those notes for me and reminds me of them even when it's little more than a prick of my heart that something isn't right. It's kept me out of some unpleasant situations with unfortunate consequences. I'm so thankful for my notes and the One who keeps them for me...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Can You Feel Your Toes?

I got a new pair of church shoes. Aren't they cute? ;o) I think the bow at the top is my favorite part. And yes, those are my daughter's feet in them, even cuter! ;o) However, let me just say after wearing them for about two and a half hours on Sunday, I remembered an old saying of my momma's about shoes... "Some shoes are for 'pretty', not for 'comfort'."

I did fairly well through all the walking around before church service getting the girls here and there to their classes and saying 'hello' to so 'n so and so 'n so. I made it through most of praise and worship standing and tapping my foot to the beat. I even managed to be respectful during prayer time and stand still without fidgeting... well, not too much fidgeting. :o)

I think what sent me over the edge was sitting down for the message our minister gave. See, at times my feet still think they are pregnant even though that was a few years ago and when I sit in church and cross my legs, they begin to swell... and get red... and swell... and get red. Also, the triple digit weather we've had all summer doesn't help these kinds of situations. I looked down about halfway through the message and thought, "Oh brother, I'm in trouble."  The tops of my feet were beginning to be cherry red and they were beginning to look like the wicked stepsister's feet in Cinderella -  you know, when she tries to fold her gargantuan foot in half and stuff it into the glass slipper and um... well, you can see for yourself. ;o)

Yep! That was what my foot looked like! I swear it!

When the pastor asked us to stand for prayer and a closing song at the end, I obeyed. I winced with pain, but I still obeyed. I literally couldn't feel my toes, the tops of the shoes were digging into my foot flesh and cutting off the precious blood supply to my necessary-for-walking appendage. I did show respect, but what I really wanted was to kick the shoes from my feet and desperately massage my poor little dawgs back into the land of all the other living feet. After dismissal, I used the excuse of gathering Bibles to be able to sit down again and psych myself up for the walk to my girls' classes and then to the car. Never had this short walk looked like such an insurmountable task... sigh.

I took very short steps and tried to mask the pain with a forced smile to anyone who came close. I gathered my girls and ushered them to the door. We made it to the car and I removed the shoes as quickly as gently would allow. As I surveyed the damage, I thought perhaps I might have done it this time. My toes looked to be in a permanent squooshed together position that only a surgical procedure could correct. The indentions on the tops of my feet were something akin to the depressions sofa legs make on fluffy carpet. Sheesh. Also, my frequent pain in the area called "great toe joint" was even more frequent than usual! I told my girls we would be going home for lunch this particular Sunday and after caving in to the pleadings from the backseat for take out, I found myself at home, shoeless - feet able to breathe again. Ahhh, it's good to have breathing feet... :o)

I don't know why, but the thing that popped into my odd little brain was the passage of Scripture that goes something like this...

How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace,
      Who bring glad tidings of good things!” - Romans 10:15

While I'm quite certain my feet would not have been considered beautiful or any synonym thereof at that present moment, it still reminded me of this Scripture! Yes, I know... it's weird.

Peace... ahhh! Like my feet needing to breathe, my heart needs the peace that passes all understanding. Otherwise it begins to swell with all the panic, anger and stress that comes with a heart not completely surrendered to Jesus Christ. Peace is my heart's remedy for a too-tight fit of this world's disquiets. He is my Peace... and He loves my new shoes too! ;o)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Eeney, Meeney...

Eeney, meeney, miny, mo
Catch a tiger by his toe.
If he hollers, make him pay
Fifty dollars everyday.
My mommy told me to pick this one,
And you are not it!

"Mommy!" hollered my youngest one morning.
"Yes'm?" answered the trying-to-get-on-the-road Mommy.
"I can't decide which books to take!" said the frustrated little girl.
"Well, take the ones you haven't read yet." said Mommy
"But there are FIVE that I haven't read yet and you said I could only take TWO!" said the little mother of melodrama.  Sigh.......
"Well, 'Eeney, meeney, miny, mo' is your only option at this point then." came the practical reply.
After giving me a look that informed me the answer given was not the one she was hoping for, 'Eeney, meeney' was rattled off to pare down the choices in front of her. Thankfully, she's a reasonable child usually ;o) and she was able to make a decision with the help of the oft-repeated chant used at our house. Ah, the school yard chants, aren't they the best?

My hubby and I had a little "school yard war" the other night much to the delight of my children. If you'd been at my window, you'd have heard things like... 

"I'm rubber and you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you!"

What is it about these little chants that gave us such power when we were kiddos? I'd pop out one of those little phrases and walk away feeling like I'd just whupped up on Goliath! They gave me the power to make a decision all by myself, gave me the power to walk away from snotty-faced teasing by recess bullies. I was sitting and musing about this when another rhyme flitted across my mind...

"Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me!"
Some emotionally-constipated fool coined this phrase!  Words can absolutely hurt you. I don't know of another force on planet Earth that can have the same destructive effects as words can have on human beings. This Scripture is one I memorized as a child....
"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."   Ephesians 4:29

Truth be told, I often wrote this Scripture as some sort of discipline or other because of my complete lack of wholesome talk! I had a mouth and I knew how to use it! The playground was a place where I found myself in more than a few unpleasant situations with me and my mouth as my accomplice. Sigh, not my fondest memories. You'll be glad to know the Lord has taught me (and is continuing to teach me ;o)) a bit of self control. When I consider my words and their abilities, I am reminded of something very important...

His Words carry a power and a might I never could've dreamed.
His Words about me are things I've only wished someone thought about me.
His Words are what flows out of this vessel He chooses to use to bless others.
His Words - better than any playground rhyme I could ever conceive.
 Thank You, Lord for giving us Your Words.