Communication. The ability to communicate clearly and effectively is one of the cornerstones to being a civilized person. That was pretty profound, yes? Well, here's another in my confession series for you... :o)
I'm not a civilized person. Yes, that's right, you read correctly. I cannot always communicate clearly and effectively. Clearly means the other person 'gets the message' right? Effectively means something (hopefully positive) results from the communication, right? Growth? Change? Yipe! I'm in deep trouble here, people. You know what I take comfort in? Jesus wasn't a civilized person either! Yippee! :o) For those of you who think I've just lost my mind, let me explain. :0)
A few days ago while on the phone with a good friend, I was bemoaning the fact of failing, communicatively-speaking, in a certain relationship. I was very frustrated with myself of not being able to communicate a message to this other person in a way that they could 'get' it and I was truly ready to throw up my hands in defeat and never try again. It seemed every way, method, technique, approach or scheme I used had one of three responses -
- Angry tears of injustice
- Resentful and sullen backlashes
- Inconsiderate disregard of attempt at communication
I had to stop and repent a little that day... :'( Who do I think I am? I am a perfectionist and I want to see perfect results immediately and I don't often want to wait for the Lord's perfect timing. I want my attempts at communication to have instantaneous, positive responses and results, shouldn't that be the outcome in a situation where I'm led by the Spirit? Unfortunately, I look in my Bible and I find passage after passage after passage all through Isaiah, Jeremiah and Lamentations (to only name three) showing God's unsuccessful attempts to get it through Israel's head that the path of worshiping other gods was going to lead to destruction. Even though He knew they weren't going to listen, God clearly stated to Ezekial the following...
"Your job is to speak to them. Whether they listen is not your concern."
- Ezekial 2:7
Here's the deal. The message won't always be communicated so that the receiver 'gets' it. It's just part of our sinful human nature to reject something that isn't easy. Here's what I need to remember... that doesn't mean the message isn't worth communicating...
What would've happened if God had thrown up His hands at the end of the Old Testament and decided to not communicate in yet another way His great love for us through Jesus, His Son? Where on earth would I be? So, I guess if He can be patient for hundreds of years and still try, I guess I can make the effort, too, hmm?
But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” - Matthew 19:26