
Wednesday, August 17, 2011


In the midst of a very busy season for me and my family, I had to stop and think and thank the Lord this morning. We are in the hustle and bustle of back-to-school, school supplies, back packs, lunch boxes, etc. etc. etc. :o) It becomes very hectic around the house and Momma can begin to have a bit of a "drill sergeant" attitude when it comes to getting everything done and such.

However, the Lord is so good and so wise and His timing is so perfect. My first day at work was moved back one day and I got one more lazy morning with my girls. We had so much fun! We colored and cut and cleaned and tidied. To top it off, My hubby had to work late last night and I have a girlfriend whose hubby is deployed (Military TDY) right now and our girls are very similar ages, so I said, "Hey, why don't you guys come and have supper and hang out with us?" So they did. :D

It was a wonderful evening with little girls' squeals of delight, Mommas' giggles over private talks in the kitchen and good food. Ahhhh, the Lord knows what we need just when we need it, doesn't He? He's so good!

My evening with my friend refreshed me, rejuvenated me and encouraged me in many things, not the least of which was my relationship with the Lord! After hugs were distributed and tears were shed at the disappointment of not having a sleepover, ;o) our friends left. My hubby who had just walked in the door, made the comment that it was cool for me to try to bless our friend while her husband is gone. I stopped and said, "You know what, babe, it was just as much of a blessing to me as it was to her."

It made me think.... isn't that what being a blessing is all about? In the midst of blessing others, the Lord blesses me in return. It fills up my tank to bless my friends and see them encouraged and lifted up and the Lord knows it! It's how He made me. Isn't He good?

"Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you."
2 Corinthians 13:11
The best part? We caught a gecko! ;o) No, really! We did! Here's a picture to prove it!!

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