
Monday, May 23, 2011


Have you ever been through something so very uncomfortable that you really and truly wish you could simply remove your stomach and its contents from your body and hang it on a hook somewhere so that it wouldn't bother you quite so badly? Or perhaps insert an IV drip of muscle relaxers into the back of your neck... (do these even come in an IV drip? not really sure, it just sounded good when my neck was hurting)

Seems I have had more than my fair share of those kinds of situations here lately and it has given me much time to reflect on discomfort and if there is anything productive that comes as a result. Hmmm... Let's take a look, shall we?

  1. Growth - Whoever said growth was always easy? That's why there's these things called growing pains. ;)
  2. Appreciation - If I'm spending a certain amount of time uncomfortable, I find I appreciate those times of peace much more so.
  3. Dependence on God - Ah, this is a BIG one! When things are okay, I find myself letting my time in the Word slip. Discomfort reminds me of my constant need for Him
Now, I'll stop there because I have no desire to bog anyone down with my profound thoughts. ;0) However, I'd like to leave you with a challenge... well, I'm leaving myself with a challenge, but I'd love some company... is that okay?

USE discomfort! Don't let it use you! Make it WORK for you! Don't let it work you to death! LEARN from discomfort! Don't let IT learn YOU and make you more miserable!

Can you tell I've always wanted to be a cheerleader? I promise I'd be good at it! :0)

"Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it." - 1 Corinthians 9:24 (NIV)

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