
Monday, June 27, 2011

Vacay, Bay-Bay!!!

Good morning my little family of readers! I hope your day is going splendidly!! :) My sweet Jordan came in from Erie last night for her summer visit with us, yay! Ahhh, that girl is like a sweet breath of fresh air to our lives right now and can I be totally transparent for just a moment? She's like healing salve on some hurts in my heart right now. The Lord knows just what you need, just when you need it, doesn't He? He's so good. :') Here's her pic in case you forgot what she looks like!

We had a great evening of visiting, steak& salad and frozen yogurt. ;0) Then, we all watched "My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding". If you've never seen it, let me just say, "WOW!" I don't know that I've ever been that spell bound by a show in my life!

Anyway! :) If it isn't wonderful enough Jordan is here with us for a time, my hubby has also taken the whole week off from work! Now, if you know my husband, you know what a miracle that is! ;) So, I said all that to say I'm gonna take off this week from blogging every morning whatever the Lord is speaking to me so I can stay up late with her and hang out and enjoy her visit. Also, think I'm gonna spend alot of time pinching myself that my husband is actually home with all of us! ;) Shhhhh, don't tell him I said that! 

I love ya'll and I'll be back on Monday morning, yes, I know it's 4th of July! I already have the topic for my post - HOT DOGS! Hmmm, what will the Lord speak to me about that? You'll have to make sure you come back Monday to find out!!! :) Later!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Pinky Swear

*** Disclaimer***
This post is a bit "all over the place", but I can't help it! It's what's in my heart and I have to be obedient here, people. So, if you don't understand the condition of ADHD, I'm quite certain this post will be a very nice illustration for you. :)

In my house, if you make a promise, it's a promise. My children have wonderful memories and they have no problems with reminding me I've made a promise about one thing or another. So, I rarely say something is a promise. I'm big on "maybe's" and "we'll see's" because breaking promises ' is not what I'd like to be remembered for when my children consider their childhood. Mostly I tell my girls "this is the plan" and they know me well enough to know I will try my best to make it work. If it all flows - great. If not - life's rough. I know that's a little cold,  but well, we all have to learn things don't always work out and it's necessary to teach them to be flexible and have a right attitude if it doesn't. Now, here's a quick little departure from the topic of the day, but it still fits, so I'm throwin' it in for free. ;0)

My husband and I are firm believers in disappointments come and go, but we cannot throw a fit about something that doesn't happen. Most of the time, my girls know how to roll with things and you won't see them having a fit in the middle of a parking lot if a place is closed or in the middle of a store if we don't get the favored item they're hoping for. There may be a few tears of disappointment, but most of the time, they have the good sense to wait till we get to the van before the emotion pours out. Now, while I don't believe in huge public displays, there is nothing wrong with allowing a child to be sad because something didn't work out and it irritates the daylights out of me when I see a child not allowed to express any emotion at all and expected to immediately "get over it" or "straighten up"! Come on, be real! They are human beings with real feelings and as long as the expression of said feelings is appropriate, allowance of those feelings will go a long way in helping that child to be emotionally healthy instead of emotionally constipated! Do we see the balance? No, don't allow them to make a ding-dong of themselves in public, but in the privacy of your home or vehicle, if they need to crawl into momma's lap and be sad for a few moments, that should be okay, and as parents, we must take the time to work them through those things. It's what's healthy!

Okay, now that I've had that MAJOR bunny trail and I've given my parenting advice for the day, let's get back on topic. :0) Do you still love me? Of course you love me, rhetorical. ;)

In the rare moment my children can persuade me to make a promise, they know it will be sealed beyond any breaking if they can get momma to "pinky swear". Ahhhh, the pinky swear. Beyond making hopeful plans, beyond depending on others' schedules, a pinky swear will only be broken in my house if there is major loss of blood or death, whichever comes first. My girls know as soon as my pinky hooks to theirs (or swallows theirs ;)) - it's a done deal.

Pinky swears are all over God's Word, only they are so much better. They're called covenant promises. ;0) He's my ultimate example that it's okay to make a pinky swear. See, when God promises something - it's a done deal. Now, it may not always be as soon as I'd like, but it will happen. His Word is faithful and true and it never returns void.
"The Lord’s promises are pure,
like silver refined in a furnace,
purified seven times over." - Psalm 12:6

P.S. - Looking through the Psalms, you'll see King David had more than a few moments of sadness when things weren't working out like he'd hoped. God always kept His promises to him, but still there were times of heartache in David's life. I truly believe He had these outpourings of feelings in the privacy of His quiet times with the Lord and the Lord allowed the expression of David's feelings. See? The Lord knows we are human and He knows the need for emotional health. Sometimes we need to cry and be sad when we're sad. He doesn't want us to throw a fit and embarrass His great name in public, but when we're alone with Him? It's okay to crawl into His big lap and be upset.

Once again, that was a bit of a bunny trail, but like before, it fits and it's free! ;0)


Thursday, June 23, 2011

God Wants Us To Be Kind!

When my youngest was about 3 years old, she attended the preschool where I worked as a music teacher. She loved going to class with her friends and told me something nearly every day she had learned from her teachers. She often came home with a Bible verse  or some truth from God's word she had picked up from their circle time. It was wonderful to see her little mind absorbing the concepts of Biblical living at such a young age. I have to tell you a story about one time that was not so wonderful. ;0)

One day, I walked past the playroom to see she and her older sister in a wrestling match over a stuffed toy. Now,  I'm not a mom who jumps in between every argument with her children, so I stayed just out of sight to see if they would be able to work it out, or if I would have to step in to avoid blood stains on the carpet when my husband came home from work. Now, mind you, her older sister has a very strong grip, a good 6 inches and about 20 pounds on the kid, so what I saw and heard next about sent me over the edge... of laughter!

In the midst of the struggle, my youngest seemed to possess a Herculean burst of strength and she managed to wrest the toy from her sister's hands and punctuated these words - "GOD wants us to be kind!" With that, she gave her big sister a "hmph!" and a satisfied nod that she had rectified the situation and put her sister in her place. I managed to hold it together until I was out of earshot and then had a very good giggle over the whole thing. I then did manage to act like a responsible adult and I  opened a dialogue very quickly about kindness and what that word meant and how it wasn't okay to use God as a way to win a fight! Ahhh, the joys of raising my children....... :0)

"God does want us to be kind, honey but using that phrase just to get your sister to give up the toy isn't really appropriate." said the momma who was really wondering how in the world to put his into terms a 3 1/2 year old could grasp.

"Tha' not 'popwiate, Mommy?" said the little girl who was desperately trying to understand what her momma was saying to her and wondering what kind of trouble she might really be in.

"No, baby, it's not and you need to go apologize to your sister for how you acted." Off she went to find her big sister and apologize for said fight. A few minutes later the two of them came skipping down the hallway, happy as could be, friendship restored, a new game of "horsey" already in the works. Wish all my arguments were reconciled that easily and quickly... sigh. :0)

The Lord's loving kindness is far more 'popwiate. ;0) It endures forever and is very great toward us, His children. So, let's give Him some praise, people! I know you're at your computer, but that's okay, He doesn't care where you are! Praise You Jesus!!!

There. Don't you feel better now? I do. :)
"O praise the LORD, all ye nations: praise him, all ye people. For his merciful kindness is great toward us: and the truth of the LORD endureth for ever. Praise ye the LORD"
- Psalm 117:1-2

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dirty Fingernails

There are few things on this earth that gross me out quicker than someone's dirty fingernails. Especially in food service. If I see someone preparing food and they have dirt under their nails, I don't want to eat in the establishment because my gag reflex kicks in rather quickly.

I think it's all because I was traumatized by dirty fingernails when I was a child. When I was about 8 or so, my big sister, her friend and I went on a little hike on the bike trails that were near our home. We had gone quite a way and all of a sudden.... someone had to use the restroom - in an emergency kind of way. Yes, I'm sure you've already guessed that someone was me. :) My big sister and her friend found a place secluded enough to hide me from anyone that might happen along our path and my sister's friend went to find something that could pass for toilet paper. Thankfully, she found some leaves for the job and I managed to get myself clean. As I was beginning to stand up... I lost my balance and fell backward. Of course, the reflex to catch myself with my hand kicked in and just where do you imagine my little hand found a place to reside? Yes, that's correct - right in the pile of poo-poo. Blech. Of course, my sister and her friend vacillated being wanting to laugh uproariously and feeling sorry for me because I burst into tears as soon as I felt squishy warmth. I still shudder when I think of it. My sister and her friend removed most of it from my hands with leaves and I scrubbed my hand against the grass, dirt, even some tree bark! Any kind of dirt was better than having a hand full of feces!

We headed straight home and I bolted for the bathroom.  I washed my hands with soap and water and removed most of the evidence rather quickly. The only hint remaining was under my fingernails. I scrubbed my hands again and again, sprayed my Mom's perfume on them, dusted them with powder, even put on clear fingernail polish! At first glance, no one would've been able to tell my hands were dirty. They looked like the normal hands of an 8 year old. The problem? I knew it was still there, that very fine dark line where my nail bed began and the smell when my hands got close to my face. I couldn't stand it.

Thankfully, my mom caught wind (quite literally I'm sure) of my predicament and made quick work of removing the filth from under my nails with a nail brush, a file and clippers (she never did anything halfway ;). I don't know if I've ever been so grateful for the things I had previously thought of as torture tools my mom used on me about once a month! I had clean hands again! Yippee!!

As I was pondering what the Lord was trying to teach me with this memory, I came across this passage of Scripture and it gave me pause...

"As Jesus was speaking, one of the Pharisees invited him home for a meal. So he went in and took his place at the table. His host was amazed to see that he sat down to eat without first performing the hand-washing ceremony required by Jewish custom. Then the Lord said to him, “You Pharisees are so careful to clean the outside of the cup and the dish, but inside you are filthy—full of greed and wickedness! Fools! Didn’t God make the inside as well as the outside?" -  Luke 11:37-40
Hmmm, the Pharisees went about their rituals and such, but they never went beyond what looked okay on the outside. Washing is a necessary practice, both physically and spiritually, but if the job done is ineffective, what good is there in that? Am I just concerned with how I look on the outside? Sadly, yes, that's been true of me sometimes.  I've done my required reading of Scripture, prayed my certain amount of minutes and sang a song of worship. Checked all those boxes! Good goin', Nell! But am I filthy still? Am I still full of things displeasing to my Father?

I'll tell you a secret.... Come close, I'm whispering now. ;0)

I've had many a season when much of my personal time with the Lord has been spent doing something I don't enjoy - bawling my cotton-pickin' head off face down on the floor! I'd much rather be studying some Bible text to find nuggets of truth in His Word or boisterously praising Him with all my might. Even though He's gentle, humbling myself before Him and allowing Him past the pride and the anger and near the fear and the pain is hard. It hurts.

Now, what if I refused His maintenance on my spiritual heart? How long would it be before the smell of my filth would overwhelm me (and everyone else)? I have to submit to the gentle, yet, thorough cleansing of my Father. It's the only way to know the cup is clean, inside and out. Thankfully, my spiritual heart has no fingernails, one less thing to worry about. ;)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fill My Cup, Lord

Water. It's a wonderful drink. There are no ill effects after drinking. A little lemon or a little ice and you're good to go. There are numerous health benefits, too many to list! Yes, water is the way to go, even if it's not a hot summer day! ;) 

Now, in the spirit of all things being honest and truthful... ;) I try to fill a water bottle to take in the car everywhere I go. When I'm good about remembering, it keeps me from making all manner of drive thru stops for sodas, smoothies and such. It also keeps my pocket book from suffering the ill-effects of said sodas, smoothies and such. Around the house, I try to keep a glass of water on the kitchen counter at all times... or sometimes the bathroom counter, dresser top or end table. ;0) I must say there are some days when it's a bit of a fight to drink my water, especially if I'd much rather have one of those afore-mentioned smoothies, but I feel so much better when I drink my 8 glasses a day,  kinda like my apple days . ;0)

I walked into the kitchen a moment ago and found my two youngest, drinking all my water I'd just poured! Ahhh, the loving exasperation my children bring about in their mother. What is it about being a mother that causes little people to want to drink from your glass and eat whatever is in your hand all day? They also have a knack for knowing when I've recently filled my glass and they do love their water cold. ;0) They quickly escaped the "mom look" that was headed their way with some impish looks of their own. As I refilled my glass, I was reminded of an old song my momma and I used to sing in church when I was a girl...

Fill my cup, Lord.
I lift it up, Lord.
Come and quench,
This thirsting of my soul.

Bread from heaven
Feed me 'till I want no more;
Here's my cup, fill it up,
And make me whole.
by R. Blanchard (1959)

Living water. It's a wonderful drink. This water's effects after drinking are life changing. This water never needs anything added and it's always the perfect temperature. Health benefits? Oh yes! This water's eternal life is the best benefit I could ever imagine.

With this water, I don't have to remember to tote a bottle with me in the car or keep my glass full on the counter. I took my drink of this water a long time ago and it's now a fountain on the inside of me. It's never replaced by a craving for something else. This water fills every empty place, some I didn't even realize I had. If you've never tried this water, it's something I highly recommend. I promise, you'll never be the same... Oh! One more thing, there will be no rugrats trying to drink from your glass all day! ;0)

Jesus answered and said to her, “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again,  but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”
-  John 4:13-14

Monday, June 20, 2011

Cupcakes & Pit Stops


Cupcakes are the dessert of choice around my house for birthday parties at school. One day a couple of years ago, we were headed to the store to get just that for my youngest's birthday celebration at school the following day. I wanted to make a pit stop and exchange a blouse at a local department store (and get a secret present ;) before choosing her cupcakes and birthday drink. As we got out of the car, she began tearfully, "Momma, I wanna get my cupcakes." I immediately started to reassure her and said, "We will, baby, let's go in this store really quickly..." Before I could finish my sentence, she turned around angrily and said in a plaintive voice, "There are no cupcakes in there!"  and pointed at the department store we were walking toward. 

In spite of myself, I laughed out loud with delight at her very correct assertion and began to explain what we were doing inside the store and her cupcakes were the very next errand. She, of course, protested just a bit before allowing me to pick her up and carry her inside. She then laid her head on my shoulder and sighed. ;) Thankfully, she's a pretty cooperative sort and went off with one big sister while her other big sister and I went about my errand (and got the secret present;). As I promised, our very next errand was her birthday cupcakes and she squealed with delight as we picked the ones she wanted. Birthday treats are so important! ;)

I can't think how many times I've protested when the Lord seemed to have a bit of a pit stop before getting to the place I desired. Of course, He always gently reassures me as He picks me up and carries me when I'm tearfully protesting this cannot be the right spot. He's so faithful, so patient and just like I delight in my daughter's perspective, He delights in me. I've learned He gives me the things I desire within the scope of His will, but I often have to participate in a few pit stops first and it's my job to delight myself in Him in the meantime.  Sometimes, there's even a secret present I'm not counting on! Although, it isn't often cupcakes... hmmm... ;0)
"Delight yourself also in the LORD,
And He shall give you the desires of your heart." - Psalm 37:4 

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Father In My Life

The father in my life...
I wondered what I could say to honor this man for the special day coming.
As I thought and thought and thought some more, these were the words I wrote. As you read, I'm sure you'll know who I'm talking about... :0)

I know there are times he does not like what I'm cooking for dinner, but
because of him -
 I never worry about our girls going hungry.

I know there are times he doesn't care for how I've decorated the house, but
because of him -
 I never worry about a lack of shelter for our family.

I know there are times he's frustrated with this woman he calls his wife ;), but
because of him -
 I never fear an angry outburst of violence. 

I know there are times he dreads this hot house of feminine emotion that awaits him, but
because of him  -
  I never worry about him not coming home

I know there are times he's tired of looking ahead and wants to quit planning, but
because of him -
  I never fear our future.

I know there are times he's discouraged with one thing or another, but
because of him -
 I never worry about him giving up. 

I know there are times he wishes he didn't have to relate or communicate, but
because of him -
  I never worry about a man who refuses to grow

This man who I can say "because of him" would tell you very quickly he is only who he is because of Him who sits in the highest seat of honor in his heart - Jesus Christ, his Lord and Savior. 

I don't know what I did to deserve this wonderful man I call my husband, but he's the father in my life I want to honor for Father's Day. He's an amazing husband and father and I'm so very thankful the Lord gave him to me. I will love you forever, Arthur William Fitchie III!
I hope you can put up with me that long! ;0)------

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Tattling. Is that a mother's worst nightmare or what? There is nothing worse than a repetitive cry of "She's looking at me!" all day long. Am I right? (of course I am, it was rhetorical, darlin' ;)

There has been many a day when I've wanted (and probably told them so) to rip out my children's vocal chords if they tattled on each other one more time! Don't they understand there are more important things in this world than the doll they each are swearing they each had first? Do they comprehend I have other things to do than referree them all day?

One day, I was considering this topic and ever so gently, the Holy Spirit began to speak to my heart on the subject. (Why? I don't know, like I've said before, the Lord talks to me through some pretty strange stuff.) Anyway, I began to think more and more and truthfully... I was convicted. How in the world could I be convicted over telling my girls to stop tattling? I mean, they were being selfish and I wasn't allowing it. So there.  Well, um, the Lord stopped me in my tracks with one question.

"How would you feel if I turned you away when you came to Me with a hurt, an injustice or a disagreement?"

Yipe! Yipe! Yipe! That one stung like a red-hot poker on my toe! I was literally stunned speechless. (I know, hard to imagine, huh?) I stopped and thought. How I would feel if the Lord just told me to quit tattling when I came to Him with pain? How would I feel if He behaved as though I wasn't the only one in the room and my concerns didn't matter to Him at all? How would I feel? How bad would that hurt?  Needless to say, I made some parenting changes that day and I believe my girls and me are the better for it.

Now, while I'm absolutely not God. (oh, my aren't we all grateful for that? ;) I do believe that God is a perfect parent who's never done wrong and His example is one I should follow. The smallest thing that's important to me is important to God and while there are times He has to tell me to grow the flip up and act like an adult... He always listens, always understands.  He could choose not to, right? I mean, He's God, after all, but He chooses to listen to me, to love on me, to correct me and I'm so very thankful for it. Even though He has the entire universe to run and I'm quite sure there are more pressing concerns than my hurt feelings, He still makes time for me. He never tells me to stop tattling. :)

"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.  So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." - Matthew 10:29-31

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Dress Your Best

Why do I bother applying make up on Sundays? I promise myself every single Sunday that I am not going to lose it like some ding-a-ling during worship! I am not going to bawl my head off as soon as I start singing the words to the first worship chorus. I am not going to do the "ugly cry" with my nose running, make up smearing and and red face puffing. I tell myself that every week, every week, ya'll!

I never make good on those promises. It's almost as if the Lord has a sense of humor about my pride in appearance and makes me choke on it every week. My momma used to say that you should always "dress your best" for God on Sundays. That's when you should be the most careful about your appearance, take the most care with your grooming. I have to say I still follow that rule of thumb to a degree and honestly, have been a bit Nazi-ish (for lack of a better word) about it over the years. My girls would love to tell you about it sometime. ;)

In all honesty though, the Lord doesn't really care so much about what's on the outside as much as He cares about what's going on on the inside, though. For many a year, I looked my best on Sunday, but there wasn't much God was doing on the inside of me - not because He wasn't trying, but because I wasn't listening or cooperating! I let my pride in my appearance and my place in the church define my worship experience. Mmm, ouch, still hurts at times when I think about it.

When Samuel went to anoint the new king God would provide for the nation of Israel, he was drawn to the oldest and best looking of the bunch, but the Lord had other plans. God chose a young, ruddy-faced teenager as king because of his heart. God's word speaks of King David over and over again as "a man after God's own heart". God didn't care that he was a little on the young and / or short side. He didn't care that he may have had the acne that comes with adolescence. God didn't even care that he'd been out with (and probably smelled like) sheep all day long!

God looks on the heart, not the make up or the threads or even the hair-do! (Although I plan on having a chat with Him about that when I get to heaven! ;0))  Now, don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying go to church looking like a ragamuffin, but as long you're doing the best you can, heart included,  that's all He's really concerned with, isn't He?

At this point in our family's faith journey, I don't know many folks at the church we attend. We are new faces right now and that's okay with me because it keeps me from allowing pride to cut in during my worship time with my Father. He's so good and He doesn't even care about my mascara streaks or the tear stains on my blouse. He cares about my heart, just my heart and He wants it to look it's best, so He gently removes the cares of the week and washes me clean with His Word. Like a steam-cycle! :) He's so good!!

"But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” - 1 Samuel 16:7

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I have a step stool in every major area of my home. I am short - vertically challenged :) and step stools make my life much easier. I have a wonderful girlfriend who has none in her home to speak of. She is tall -  vertically blessed :) and so is every member of her immediate family. At my last visit, no one lived in her humble abode who was shorter than 5'9" and step stools are simply not a necessity for them. Ladders are important as they have cathedral ceilings in their home and light bulbs still have to be changed, but something like a step stool to simply reach the top shelf of a cupboard or pantry is quite unnecessary in her house.

Now, when I go to visit at her house, I regularly find myself hollering for her or one of her family members to come and get something for the shorty-pants in the room. Thankfully, they are a very congenial group who are very kind to visitors and they come immediately at the insistence of the short person causing a ruckus in the kitchen. They never tease about my vertical challenges in life and simply get me what I need. Have I ever said, "Thank the Lord for faithful friends."? :0)  As wonderful as they are to get things for me, I still find myself wishing for the step stool I keep between my counter and fridge at home when I can't get to something at the top shelf of their floor-to-ceiling pantry.

Do you ever feel like forgiveness is on the top shelf of the floor-to-ceiling pantry of your heart and there's no step stool available? I do. I know what forgiveness looks like and exactly where to find it, but it's just out of reach. Sigh. I can't make my legs longer or my arms able to reach higher. I can't do it without help. I need a step stool. A step stool of faith...

Sometimes I don't feel like I need faith all that much. Maybe it wasn't that big of an offense or I wasn't all that hurt. Perhaps I completely understood the other side of the story and could easily put myself in the other's shoes. Even still, maybe, I could feel forgiveness within my reach and my grip on it was strong. Other times, though it's just different. Maybe the pain of offense loomed big in front of me. Perhaps I did not understand why they acted that way or why I acted that way. Even still, maybe, I had no feelings of forgiveness, only bitterness... just resentment. I needed faith to forgive. As much as I often wish I could do these things on my own and not have to ask anyone for help, the truth is...  
  1. I cannot make myself less hurt or bitter, it's not my job to heal wounds and cleanse hearts.
  2. I cannot make myself perfectly understand another person, it's not my job to reveal truth.
  3. I cannot make my grip on forgiveness stronger, it's not my job to be all powerful.
 I can reach for the step stool of faith God's Word provides to help me...
  1. Ask Jesus to cleanse, heal and set my heart right. (Psalm 51:10)
  2. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to me. (John 16:13)
  3. Ask the Father to be my strength when I am weak. (2 Corinthians 12:9)
 I just have to be willing to look for the step stool, sometimes I have to only look past my own hurt and selfishness. It's always there, God is faithful and His strength is perfect. So, look around your pantry, I promise you'll find it. Your step stool might even be a bit taller than mine and help you reach a bit higher, I've still got a lot of work to do and the Lord just keeps adding more steps as I need them, but I'm so glad I have a step stool to help me. The step stool of faith.

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
- Hebrews 11:1

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Neighbor's Son

We used to live next door to a single momma with two teenage kiddos, a boy and his little sister. This young man was desperately in need of a father figure and acted out regularly to show it. His momma worked very hard to put food on the table and sincerely loved her children. Her long hours at her job coupled with the drive back and forth put these youngsters in the place of having to be alone much of the time in the afternoon and early evening.

One afternoon on a snowy day, I looked out the window to see this young boy out in the middle of the yard doing snow angels in nothing but a pair of shorts and a tank top. It was nearly freezing that day and a very bitter wind was blowing. I'm not completely certain why I did what I did next, except to say the momma in me took over. I marched my little 5ft. self out to the grass and demanded he stand up. I looked up into his face with his nearly 6ft. 170-pound frame looming over me and I proceeded to chew him up and spit him out for being out in the cold without shoes, a coat or even proper clothing! I don't remember my exact words, but it was something to the tune of "Young man, have you lost your ever-lovin' mind?" And you can imagine how it went from there. He did nothing but hang his head and whisper yes ma'am. I insisted he go inside and take off his wet clothes before he froze to death and went into my own house muttering threats the whole time. I took it upon myself to whip up a batch of hot cocoa and put several pieces of the cake I'd made that afternoon into some Tupperware. I gathered it up, went and rapped on their door and told him and his younger sister to eat and drink, or else. Once again, I got a quiet yes ma'am and a quick look in the eye. 

As I went back to my own home, I began to wonder if I'd done the right thing. Was it really any of my business to tell someone else's child what to do? What would my husband say if he came home and found out I'd challenged this boy who was prone to pranks and from what we'd seen, even a bit of violent behavior? The reality of the situation began to sink into my hot-headed frame and I began to shake from head to toe. Oh, I had really messed it up this time. My complete lack of thought before action had crashed in on my head and finally sunk me into the abyss of gettin' in trouble! 

Interrupting my worrisome thoughts, there was a knock at the door. There was his momma on my stoop. Oh brother, I'm dead meat. I opened the door with a tentative look on my face, I'm sure. Nothing surprised me more than what happened next. She came in and hugged me and began to thank me profusely for giving her kids a snack. Hmmm, I gave her kids a snack? Yeah, I guess that was what I did... In the spirit of truthfulness, I began to tell her what I did from start to finish. She shook her head and sighed the momma's sigh of "what am I gonna do with this child". She smiled at me and said how much she appreciated having another momma around while she was at work and how much comfort it gave her to know someone was watching out for them when she couldn't. (tear, sniff) I managed a smile and a "Jesus loves you guys." As I closed the door when she left, I sighed a sigh of relief. Whew! It had worked out, the Lord had taken my thoughtless behavior and once again, used it for at least a little glory for His name. I'd love to say I witnessed to them, they all dropped to their knees and received Jesus, but no, that didn't happen this time.

Even though I wished for that outcome, the Lord taught me something. Sometimes, we are just called to plant the seed. We are supposed to be Jesus to this world. Sometimes that means a hind-end chewing and a snack. It's okay to be me, that's what He created me for...

 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.  For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,  I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me."
- Matthew 25:34-36

Friday, June 10, 2011

I Need Thee

"I need Thee every hour, most gracious Lord.

No tender voice like Thine, can peace afford.

I need Thee, O, I need Thee. Every hour I need Thee.

O bless me now my Savior, I come to Thee."

Woke up with this song on my heart this morning like I often do.

I just wanted to take a moment and share it. I hope it blesses you.

His peace is like a gentle breeze. His presence like a fire.

His love like a never-ending stream of every heart's desire.

I don't know what I'd do without Him. I'd be lost for sure.

He's my hope, my joy, my everything and in Him, I'm safe, secure.

So, thank you for reading my little blog, hope you're refreshed for your day.

Don't forget to take a moment with the One who heals and saves.

I love you Jesus... :)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

An Apple A Day...

An apple a day keeps the doctor away...

My  momma used to repeat this adage to me much when I was a little girl and honestly, I believe there IS some truth to it. May I be truthful, though? (Just go ahead and say yes, darlin', I'm gonna tell you anyway ;)) I do not care much for apples. I have tried every variety man has tried to hybrid together and well, I just don't like 'em. I feel something that takes as much work as an apple does to simply swallow should taste better and it really isn't worth my time and effort. If I want any of my muscles to be sore from something without much return, I'll go to the gym! Sheesh.

However, as I'm getting a little older, I find an apple every morning truly helps me to feel better, um, how shall we say... constitutionally speaking? All of you who are female and over 35 know what I'm talking about, right? Good, cause I don't want to explain further. Now, in all honesty, I do sometimes gag a little on the first bite, sigh. If I've gone through a phase where I've not been eating the healthiest of fare, and I get "back on track", that first morning with that first apple.... oh my goodness, the dread that floods me when I think about it and I usually have an expression on my face that resembles near revulsion.

God's Word is sometimes like those apples for me. I know, I know, that's not a popular statement, but its the truth! Sometimes if I've been acting in ways I know are not His ways, then the first Scripture or two leaves a bit of a bad taste in my mouth. I rebel against hearing His gentle voice trying to get me "back on track". However, as I continue to be faithful in reading His word, I begin to taste the sweetness of it too. Now, there are always going to be some days when my devotional time is kinda like getting a hiny-chewing, those of us with big mouths are just gonna have those days, but the Lord is so faithful! He fills me up with His Spirit and washes me clean with His Words and when I just submit (even though I might gag at first), I am so clean and so free and so refreshed afterward. Ahhhhh... Isn't He good? :0)

"Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.  Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful."
- Hebrews 10:21-23

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Big Waves

Last summer, we took our family on an extended vacation to a beach house on the coast in Port Aransas, TX. Of course, we chose the week of a nasty hurricane hitting the area we were staying in and it caused no small amount of stress for my husband and I who were worried about it ruining our vacation we'd paid hard-earned money for.

I was gently explaining the situation to our four girls, concerned they might be sad for all the rain and wind ruining what was supposed to be sunny days spent on the beach relaxing and having fun. I had just got to the part about "severe weather" and "hurricane-like winds". Just as I was about to begin consoling them with promises of fun shore activities like museums and amusement parks, my Whitley (all the way from the back of the van) yells out, " Big WAVES, people!" The atmosphere in the van suddenly turned from one of morose quiet and despondency to one of raucous laughter and rejoicing at the thought of surfing those humongous waves we were going to be getting.

I turned around in my seat dumbfounded to see my husband's shoulders shaking from silent laughter. My children amaze me sometimes. The times I think they will be the most upset, those are the times they are just fine with a situation. The times I think an incident won't phase them, those are the times of devastation! Hmph, I think they just enjoy making a liar out of their momma! ;0)

Okay, back to the point! Big waves, Big Waves, Big Waves! Oh yes, did we ever have some big waves that week! There were a few scary times, like getting caught on the freeway that was nearly washed completely over with flooding, that was not fun! However, I have to say the girls made the best of the situation and after I got over my shock, I was so proud of how quickly they adapted to the situation and chose to relax and still have fun! :)

Am I that flexible when God has a "big wave" come crashing through my life? Mmm, I think not! I don't like my routines and schedules messed with and don't even start on my lists! I recently heard a man pray, "Holy Spirit, come and mess up my plans." I nearly broke into hives just thinking about that! Do I really want the Lord to have His way in my life so much that I'm willing for my plans to be messed up? I'm thinkin' I have some work to do... How 'bout you? ;0)

"In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
Do not quench the Spirit." - 1 Thessalonians 5:18-19

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Save Energeeee!

Wastefulness. There is nothing on God's green earth that irritates my husband more, with the one exception of a lack of integrity. Wastefulness is a bad, bad word in our home and I feel very sorry for you if you are on the wrong end of my husband catching you being wasteful. Mmmm, I feel very sorry for you if that's you, but I will be leaving the room post haste and do not expect to get any assistance from me because... well, because I know what side my bread is buttered on and I will be making certain I am not wasting anywhere in the near vicinity when my husband goes on a wastefulness rampage! ;0)

 Now, unfortunately, I must confess our children are particularly wasteful when it comes to electricity, and my poor hubby quite literally pays the price with our electric bill every month.  My older ones just plain forget to conserve and they are kind of used to Momma coming and turning things off behind them and they don't have to worry about it. Oops, I just told on myself. My youngest is really bad about lights because she is easily scared and a dark room is a doozy for her right now, so again, Momma lets her slide and just goes behind her and turns off the lights she leaves on. Snicklefritz! I did it again!

So, often in our home, there is a trail of lights left on and if they still happen to be on when my husband walks through, we all get an earful about "wastin' stuff" and "shut off the lights when you leave a room!"

Today, I noticed something interesting. My hubby's constant reminders have finally sunk in with my younger two and all day today, they would periodically run through the house yelling, "Save energeeeee!", shutting off lights as they went. My husband would be so proud. I'm not sure if I'm happy about it or not? I mean, I'm glad they are being more careful about electricity and not being wasteful, but honestly, who can be too happy about children running through the house, yelling like superheroes as they go? It's fine for a short minute to appreciate the "music to my ears" that my children are, but when it goes on all day long, I assure you, it can begin to wear on you.
Now, what on earth does this have to do with my spiritual heart? Glad you asked! ;0)

The kingdom of God has no electricity bill. We are supposed to leave our lights on all the time. Bottom line? When our lights go out, God isn't glorified. Yes, short, sweet and to the point, but you can't get away from the truth of this concept. Leave a light on, darlin', He'll be comin... home.

“You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.  No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house." - Matthew 5:14-15

Monday, June 6, 2011

In Theory....

"I know what we'll do!
We'll have scheduled bathroom breaks for all the preschool enrichment classes!"

Yes, that was my idea of sheer brilliance during my first year of employment at a local preschool many years (and children) ago. I just knew it would work! I still remember the looks of horror flashing across the faces of the other teachers and quickly being replaced by kind smiles (because they didn't want to hurt my feelings) and then a gentle comment from one of the best teachers I knew there. "Sweetie," she said, " In theory a bathroom break for preschoolers sounds like a wonderful idea, but when you practically apply that theory, I guarantee you, there will be issues. When little ones have to potty, they have to potty and there is no telling them this isn't the scheduled time for the potty."  

Now, for those of you with any experience with children whatsoever, whether they are your's or someone else's. What do you suppose would happen if you tried to schedule bathroom breaks throughout the day with no veering from the schedule whatsoever? Yes, that's right! You guessed it!   Someone will poop their pants. Sigh...
I thought of myself one day when I considered this memory. This is how I behave. In theory, I decide how every situation will play out. I pre-plan everything I'm going to say and even in some cases, I've already decided how the other person is going to react! Unfortunately, I don't always take into account the fact that I'm a fallible human being dealing with other fallible human beings and when I try to practically apply my theories, sometimes... um...    I poop my pants.

I decided one day that my girls and I were going to get a certain amount of errands finished in less than two hours with no fights, no stopping for snacks or drinks and no fussing at all from Momma. Well, what happened when they got into a teensy argument in the backseat over who got to play the Tinkerbell game next? I whipped around, spoke through clenched teeth and threatened them with everything but the very life they held dear!  I pooped my pants.

Another day, I decided my husband and I were going to discuss a major family decision and have no disagreements. He was going to consider my research, appreciate all my hard work and completely agree with my conclusions. What happened when he expressed a different opinion than mine and had the nerve to criticize my point of view? I threw away all my research, flounced from the room and gave him the silent treatment!  I pooped my pants.

 Yet another day, I decided that I was going to be honest with an important person in my life about something they had done that had hurt me deeply. What happened when I looked them in the eye with the perfect opportunity to speak the truth in love? I chickened out, changed the subject and went on nursing my wound for a few more years. I pooped my pants.

Let's face it, sometimes my attempts to organize myself and everyone around me just don't always work out. Sometimes I'm not as sensitive to the Holy Spirit as I think I am. Sometimes I just don't see God's plan when I'm in the midst of the situation and all my theories come up meaningless in the scheme of His great design.

Sometimes my theories have to be thrown out the window and instead I have to practically apply the truths of God's Word even when it messes up my schedule, causes me to grow or just plain hurts. I don't have to poop my pants. I can just let God be God. Easier said than done... :)

"Like a city whose walls are broken through is a person who lacks self-control."
- Proverbs 25:28

Friday, June 3, 2011

Flying Peanut Dance

Humility, ahh.... what a beautiful word. It looks beautiful too, have you ever noticed? There is nothing ugly about humility. Although I must admit that getting to the place of humility is often very, um... un-beautiful. An example, you ask? Of course!

Went to the park this week to enjoy the sun and some friends, have ice cream and let the kids play and it was wonderful except for about five seconds... and, of course those will the be the five seconds I remember.

I was standing and talking to a long lost girlfriend, munching on a small cupful of peanuts because... well, because I was slightly hungry and I figured that was better than stuffing my face full of ice cream which is what I really wanted to do in case you were wondering. ;0) At any rate, I was talking animatedly about someone who got on my nerves because of their extreme peppy-ness.(is that a word?) I know! I know! This really is the pot calling the kettle black and believe me, I got my cum-uppins! (Is that spelled right?) SOOOO! I was talking about how the peppy-ness was annoying and began to imitate the person with a little dance. (Enter small cup of peanuts, stage / hand right.) 

As I was jumping up and down the small cup of peanuts became a rather large shower of peanuts on some very good friends of mine and some very good friends of theirs. I think I even beaned one sweet gal in the forehead, sigh. I swear to you, every head under the pavilion turned in my direction, some of whom know me well and just shook their heads at the sight I was that they see so often. Others who didn't know me very well (and most likely don't care to at this point), I'm sure wondered what kind of lunatic I was.  As I stood feeling my face get hot and beginning to apologize for my exuberance, I was struck with the irony of the situation.

Hmmm, there I was criticizing someone for their peppy-ness and MY peppy-ness is seen by all and in a most unflattering light. Wow, humility came crashing in on me very quickly. Criticism doesn't have to be a negative thing. It can be a very positive thing, but when it is done with pride, it becomes one of the most destructive tools of torture a person can use. Pride took hold of the conversation I was having and for a few moments turned it's claws on me and dug in. I recovered quickly and my sweet friends overlooked my red face, peanut mess and kindly turned their heads back to their own conversation. A couple gals even made a cute joke to take the pressure off the one standing uncomfortably in the middle. Thank the Lord  for faithful friends. ;0)

Lord, I wanna be humble, could You please help me stay in a place of being humble instead of having to get there all the time? Thank you kindly... Love, Nell

"Pride leads to disgrace,but with humility comes wisdom." - Proverbs 11:2

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Road Rage

I am a kind individual. I am warm-hearted, flexible and genuinely caring of other's needs. For the most part, this describes me when I am in relationship with others. Now, there is a point where this is a very untrue statement... the point when I go behind the driver's seat and put on my sunglasses.

Yes, you guessed it, I have road rage, sigh.... the secret's out. I don't know what it is about being behind the wheel of a car with sunglasses on that makes me feel so invincible. I would never call someone a dingbat, moron or dipwad to their face, yet somehow I find those words coming out of my mouth when faced with a person who forgot to use their turning signal, isn't turning fast enough or just shouldn't be turning right at that moment! in my humble opinion of course...

 The very sad commentary on this subject is that it isn't lost on me that my children are picking up on my vernacular whilst they ride along with me from place to place.... and do I stop my nonsense? Nope, I continue to run my mouth. My children correct me and let me know that my words "aren't necessary" or that my comment was "inappropriate" sounding very much like a recording of my own voice as they ever-so-gently and respectfully try to let me know that I need to just hush up. Why do I continue? There are reasons to stop:
  1. I'm a believer and not supposed to behave this way.
  2. I'm setting a poor example for my children.
  3. I could hurt the other drivers' feelings. How would I feel if I realized they knew me?
All of these are wonderful reasons and I have recited them to myself again and again and again. However, what happens when another motor vehicle operator does something  that gets on my nerves? My mouth instead of my engine goes into full gear! Why do I do this? Why don't I just hush up? Why do I contradict with my behavior what I'm trying to teach my children with my mouth? Hmmm...

"For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it. "
Romans 7:19-21

Gives me a little comfort to know that the Apostle Paul, such an amazing man of God struggled with the same principle of our sinful nature! God used him so mightily and yet, he struggled with the flesh just like this average Joe here. God's Word is so full of examples of imperfect people who struggled all their lives with their fleshly, sinful nature and yet, they are some of the most beautiful examples in the Scriptures of a life completely devoted and a heart that followed hard after God.  I have to say the encouragement he wrote by the divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit says it so much better than I ever could.

I've tried everything and nothing helps. I'm at the end of my rope. Is there no one who can do anything for me? Isn't that the real question? The answer, thank God, is that Jesus Christ can and does. He acted to set things right in this life of contradictions..." Romans 7:24-25a (The Message / emphasis mine)

There's hope for me yet! :0)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

In His Grip

I am not a fan of the illustrious "apple slicers". All because one day I purchased one, so excited at the possibility of slicing through an entire apple with one fell swoop, less work, less mess, ahhhh, the possibilities!

The problem came with the fact that I tend to be somewhat cheap cost conscious and I purchased a version of the slicer that had a very loose rubber grip for the handle, only I didn't realize quite how loose it actually was. The second or third time I went to use the slicer, as I pushed down with all my weight, my thumb pushed the rubber grip completely out of its' grooves and instead of the metal tines slicing through the apple, they sliced through my finger. I truthfully can't remember if I tried to wash the blood off the apple and eat it or if I threw it away. I know, kinda gross, huh? Not to mention the fact that it scared the gizzard out of me when the grip came loose and pushed through. Grips are not SUPPOSED to come loose and push through! That's why they are called grips, people! Seriously?!? Breathe, Nell...

Anyway, I haven't used an apple slicer since, I'm traumatized. I prefer a different method of slicing through an apple to remove the core and I'm able to do it with pretty amazing speed if I do say so myself. Plus, my girls think I'm really cool when I whip through an apple. ;0) Okay, to the point, Nell! Did I mention that I have Adult ADHD? Okay, well, just so you know and don't hold it against me... It's Rachel Ray's slicing method if you're wondering...
Anyways!  FOCUS Nell!

As I was thinking about the rubber grip hanging by a thread -  so to speak -  from the apple slicer, it gave me pause (as weird things often do inside my brain)  and I thought of my pastor's closing to every single letter, email or correspondence I ever saw him send out - "In His Grip". That's how he ends all his writings and every time I read those words, it blessed me. I guess because it reminds me how completely sure my Jesus' grip is on me. I'm not concerned with His grip being too loose. He never lets go and I don't have to worry about Him getting tired, frustrated or bored with me. Even during those times when my own grip has become weary, I can feel Him holding me tight, never letting go... never... not for a minute...
"Let the whole world bless our God
and loudly sing his praises.
 Our lives are in his hands,
and he keeps our feet from stumbling."
 - Psalm 66:8-9