
Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Three B's

“Ahem, attention, attention please.... Is this thing on?... Oh, there’s the switch.... May I have your attention please? All gentlemen are prohibited from participating in this particular reading. This conversation is for moms and daughters only.... Okay, ladies are they are all gone?
Good, now we can begin.” J
The three B’s – that’s what we call it at our house. These three words strike fear in the hearts of my girls because when I utter them or something like them, they know there will be a swift overhaul of their thoughtfully constructed outfit for that particular day. Now, here’s the crass part and why I made all the men leave.
The three B’s stands for Boobs, Belly Buttons and Bootys. See, I told you it was crass; however, I must say that it’s most effective.
As my children have grown and are growing into beautiful young ladies, these are three areas that are off limits outside the confines of our household and sometimes within our household depending upon guests. Shirts must generously cover the first two sections and proper bottoms should cover the final forbidden zone with a lengthy margin for error. ;0)
Now, even though I have wonderful girls who are respectful and law-abiding citizens, I must admit there are particular sighs of exasperation and at rare times, attitudes of ... um... unrepentant hearts, shall we say? However, their father and I hold very firm to this law and it goes without saying in our home that their clothing had better follow the standard or it will be changed either by them or by Daddy or Momma, which let’s face it, they’d much rather it be changed by them because well, Daddy’s a boy and just cannot grasp the desire for all parts of an outfit to either be color-coordinating or have the perfect eclectic look.
The funny part is they also don’t want Momma to change the look because Momma is color blind in one eye and rarely wears more than one color at a time and usually only changes because of a spill or "feeling fat" day. It would seriously jeopardize their standing at school and/or church if they came in wearing two clashing color choices – perish the thought. So, often you will see nothing more than a flying streak of hair and accessories as the return to the bedroom has a Superman-in-the-phone-booth feel to it.

I have often wished I could alter my feelings in the same way. I am a woman who is too often ruled by her feelings. It's a problem that has landed me in more troublesome situations than I care to recall. Ack! I was sitting here wishing I could just change what I feel like I change my clothing and a memory of a Scripture jumped out at me as I was thinking about this.  I was so struck by the simplicity of the answer to my dilemma.

"So in Christ Jesus, you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourself with Christ." - Galatians 3:26-27

"...clothed with Christ..." - I can put on the garment that's worn by my dear Savior. I don't have to choose the wardrobe of fear, anger and worry so often shown by this natural world in which we live, but I can simply choose the clothes of Christ which are defined by peace, gentleness and self confidence. He's my identity, not my feelings. Thankfully, His wardrobe will never clash and I'll never be innapropriately "dressed" no matter the situation because my Savior will simply alter that wardrobe for me by constantly keeping me in a "wash white & wear bright" situation every morning as I spend my time with Him and remove any wardrobe layers I've chosen that aren't pleasing to Him. (Rev. 7:14)

What a wonderful relief to this partly color-blind girl. No blues or greens to tell the difference between! Yahoo! ;0)

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