
Monday, June 6, 2011

In Theory....

"I know what we'll do!
We'll have scheduled bathroom breaks for all the preschool enrichment classes!"

Yes, that was my idea of sheer brilliance during my first year of employment at a local preschool many years (and children) ago. I just knew it would work! I still remember the looks of horror flashing across the faces of the other teachers and quickly being replaced by kind smiles (because they didn't want to hurt my feelings) and then a gentle comment from one of the best teachers I knew there. "Sweetie," she said, " In theory a bathroom break for preschoolers sounds like a wonderful idea, but when you practically apply that theory, I guarantee you, there will be issues. When little ones have to potty, they have to potty and there is no telling them this isn't the scheduled time for the potty."  

Now, for those of you with any experience with children whatsoever, whether they are your's or someone else's. What do you suppose would happen if you tried to schedule bathroom breaks throughout the day with no veering from the schedule whatsoever? Yes, that's right! You guessed it!   Someone will poop their pants. Sigh...
I thought of myself one day when I considered this memory. This is how I behave. In theory, I decide how every situation will play out. I pre-plan everything I'm going to say and even in some cases, I've already decided how the other person is going to react! Unfortunately, I don't always take into account the fact that I'm a fallible human being dealing with other fallible human beings and when I try to practically apply my theories, sometimes... um...    I poop my pants.

I decided one day that my girls and I were going to get a certain amount of errands finished in less than two hours with no fights, no stopping for snacks or drinks and no fussing at all from Momma. Well, what happened when they got into a teensy argument in the backseat over who got to play the Tinkerbell game next? I whipped around, spoke through clenched teeth and threatened them with everything but the very life they held dear!  I pooped my pants.

Another day, I decided my husband and I were going to discuss a major family decision and have no disagreements. He was going to consider my research, appreciate all my hard work and completely agree with my conclusions. What happened when he expressed a different opinion than mine and had the nerve to criticize my point of view? I threw away all my research, flounced from the room and gave him the silent treatment!  I pooped my pants.

 Yet another day, I decided that I was going to be honest with an important person in my life about something they had done that had hurt me deeply. What happened when I looked them in the eye with the perfect opportunity to speak the truth in love? I chickened out, changed the subject and went on nursing my wound for a few more years. I pooped my pants.

Let's face it, sometimes my attempts to organize myself and everyone around me just don't always work out. Sometimes I'm not as sensitive to the Holy Spirit as I think I am. Sometimes I just don't see God's plan when I'm in the midst of the situation and all my theories come up meaningless in the scheme of His great design.

Sometimes my theories have to be thrown out the window and instead I have to practically apply the truths of God's Word even when it messes up my schedule, causes me to grow or just plain hurts. I don't have to poop my pants. I can just let God be God. Easier said than done... :)

"Like a city whose walls are broken through is a person who lacks self-control."
- Proverbs 25:28

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