
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fill My Cup, Lord

Water. It's a wonderful drink. There are no ill effects after drinking. A little lemon or a little ice and you're good to go. There are numerous health benefits, too many to list! Yes, water is the way to go, even if it's not a hot summer day! ;) 

Now, in the spirit of all things being honest and truthful... ;) I try to fill a water bottle to take in the car everywhere I go. When I'm good about remembering, it keeps me from making all manner of drive thru stops for sodas, smoothies and such. It also keeps my pocket book from suffering the ill-effects of said sodas, smoothies and such. Around the house, I try to keep a glass of water on the kitchen counter at all times... or sometimes the bathroom counter, dresser top or end table. ;0) I must say there are some days when it's a bit of a fight to drink my water, especially if I'd much rather have one of those afore-mentioned smoothies, but I feel so much better when I drink my 8 glasses a day,  kinda like my apple days . ;0)

I walked into the kitchen a moment ago and found my two youngest, drinking all my water I'd just poured! Ahhh, the loving exasperation my children bring about in their mother. What is it about being a mother that causes little people to want to drink from your glass and eat whatever is in your hand all day? They also have a knack for knowing when I've recently filled my glass and they do love their water cold. ;0) They quickly escaped the "mom look" that was headed their way with some impish looks of their own. As I refilled my glass, I was reminded of an old song my momma and I used to sing in church when I was a girl...

Fill my cup, Lord.
I lift it up, Lord.
Come and quench,
This thirsting of my soul.

Bread from heaven
Feed me 'till I want no more;
Here's my cup, fill it up,
And make me whole.
by R. Blanchard (1959)

Living water. It's a wonderful drink. This water's effects after drinking are life changing. This water never needs anything added and it's always the perfect temperature. Health benefits? Oh yes! This water's eternal life is the best benefit I could ever imagine.

With this water, I don't have to remember to tote a bottle with me in the car or keep my glass full on the counter. I took my drink of this water a long time ago and it's now a fountain on the inside of me. It's never replaced by a craving for something else. This water fills every empty place, some I didn't even realize I had. If you've never tried this water, it's something I highly recommend. I promise, you'll never be the same... Oh! One more thing, there will be no rugrats trying to drink from your glass all day! ;0)

Jesus answered and said to her, “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again,  but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”
-  John 4:13-14

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written and I think a great way to explain to the boys about the benefits of following Jesus. They learn best from stories. ;-) Love you Nell and thanks for this post this morning!

