
Friday, June 24, 2011

Pinky Swear

*** Disclaimer***
This post is a bit "all over the place", but I can't help it! It's what's in my heart and I have to be obedient here, people. So, if you don't understand the condition of ADHD, I'm quite certain this post will be a very nice illustration for you. :)

In my house, if you make a promise, it's a promise. My children have wonderful memories and they have no problems with reminding me I've made a promise about one thing or another. So, I rarely say something is a promise. I'm big on "maybe's" and "we'll see's" because breaking promises ' is not what I'd like to be remembered for when my children consider their childhood. Mostly I tell my girls "this is the plan" and they know me well enough to know I will try my best to make it work. If it all flows - great. If not - life's rough. I know that's a little cold,  but well, we all have to learn things don't always work out and it's necessary to teach them to be flexible and have a right attitude if it doesn't. Now, here's a quick little departure from the topic of the day, but it still fits, so I'm throwin' it in for free. ;0)

My husband and I are firm believers in disappointments come and go, but we cannot throw a fit about something that doesn't happen. Most of the time, my girls know how to roll with things and you won't see them having a fit in the middle of a parking lot if a place is closed or in the middle of a store if we don't get the favored item they're hoping for. There may be a few tears of disappointment, but most of the time, they have the good sense to wait till we get to the van before the emotion pours out. Now, while I don't believe in huge public displays, there is nothing wrong with allowing a child to be sad because something didn't work out and it irritates the daylights out of me when I see a child not allowed to express any emotion at all and expected to immediately "get over it" or "straighten up"! Come on, be real! They are human beings with real feelings and as long as the expression of said feelings is appropriate, allowance of those feelings will go a long way in helping that child to be emotionally healthy instead of emotionally constipated! Do we see the balance? No, don't allow them to make a ding-dong of themselves in public, but in the privacy of your home or vehicle, if they need to crawl into momma's lap and be sad for a few moments, that should be okay, and as parents, we must take the time to work them through those things. It's what's healthy!

Okay, now that I've had that MAJOR bunny trail and I've given my parenting advice for the day, let's get back on topic. :0) Do you still love me? Of course you love me, rhetorical. ;)

In the rare moment my children can persuade me to make a promise, they know it will be sealed beyond any breaking if they can get momma to "pinky swear". Ahhhh, the pinky swear. Beyond making hopeful plans, beyond depending on others' schedules, a pinky swear will only be broken in my house if there is major loss of blood or death, whichever comes first. My girls know as soon as my pinky hooks to theirs (or swallows theirs ;)) - it's a done deal.

Pinky swears are all over God's Word, only they are so much better. They're called covenant promises. ;0) He's my ultimate example that it's okay to make a pinky swear. See, when God promises something - it's a done deal. Now, it may not always be as soon as I'd like, but it will happen. His Word is faithful and true and it never returns void.
"The Lord’s promises are pure,
like silver refined in a furnace,
purified seven times over." - Psalm 12:6

P.S. - Looking through the Psalms, you'll see King David had more than a few moments of sadness when things weren't working out like he'd hoped. God always kept His promises to him, but still there were times of heartache in David's life. I truly believe He had these outpourings of feelings in the privacy of His quiet times with the Lord and the Lord allowed the expression of David's feelings. See? The Lord knows we are human and He knows the need for emotional health. Sometimes we need to cry and be sad when we're sad. He doesn't want us to throw a fit and embarrass His great name in public, but when we're alone with Him? It's okay to crawl into His big lap and be upset.

Once again, that was a bit of a bunny trail, but like before, it fits and it's free! ;0)


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