
Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Names. Baby names. Is there possibly anything more fun about being pregnant than picking out a name for your baby? I don't think so... unless it's being allowed to be lazy because you have a very good excuse! ;)

We have several friends who are having babies in the near future and we got into a family discussion a few nights ago about picking names for babies. We were telling the girls about Abbi's name and about how Daddy and I fought over her middle name. Daddy wanted Nicole and I wanted Rose. It had turned into a bit of an argument one day cause we are both stubborn. ;) I decided to look up the meaning of the two names because that had to convince him that Rose was the way to go. I found the meaning of Nicole first and as soon as I saw the words "victorious heart", I was ready to admit defeat and his choice was soon my choice and 9 years later - that's her middle name. ;)

The meaning of a name is something that always resonated with my momma. She made sure I knew what my name meant at a very young age. My name is Danelle which is a feminine form of the name Daniel and means - "God is my Judge". Just so you know, there are only 3 people in my entire lifetime who've pronounced my name correctly the first time they said it and the only reason I know is because my momma pointed it out to me as soon as the word was out of their mouth. Its' pronounced very differently from the more popular name, Danielle, in case you were wondering. ;0)

"God is my Judge" has defined my existence on this earth. I never cared much what anyone thought of my life choices growing up as long as I was okay with God to the point of being ridiculously socially awkward and unkind. This made for some lonely, difficult years especially in adolescence when "going along with the crowd" is what you do and for the most part I didn't because I thought it was stupid and had no qualms saying so. Sigh. Thankfully, the Lord has caused me to understand the meaning of the words tact and grace in the last 20 years or so. ;)

In spite of all the loneliness and feeling very weird throughout my early teens and into my 20's, I am very thankful for the meaning of my name because it's always reminded me of who God made me to be - who He chose me to be. See, He has a plan for me and my weirdness and He's revealed much to me over the years through the name I was given. Even though His plan included some loneliness and awkwardness at times, He still taught me through those times. Even when no one else really cared to be around me because of my complete lack of sensitivity, He was always waiting for me when I came home, defeated and unworthy. He always edified me through those times. He always cared for me through those times. He never forgot me. He never pushed me away. He always listened. He always loved.
So, wonder what your name means? ;0)
"For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be." - Psalm 139: 13-16 

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